Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra


Academic Year 2023-24

Name of  Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conference with date

Dr. V.P. Gaikwad Joining of Inconel-625 by microwave hybrid heating and its performance analysis IOP Journal of Physics : Conference Series (JPCS) 10.1088/issn.1742-6596
R.D. Patil Grey Relational Analysis of Specimen Dimensions in Torsion Testing Journal of Xidian Uni. Vol. 17, Oct. 2023


Academic Year 2022-23

Name of  Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conference with date

 Dr. V.R. Naik
Dr. S.A. Soundattikar
 Cyber Physical system implementation for material handling in SMES  Journal of Northeastern University 25, 04, 2022
 Dr. V.R. Naik  TQM based product development for component handling  Neuro Quantology

20/12, Oct 2022

Dr. V.D. Shinde

Dr. B.B. Kabnure
Evolution of microstructure and hardness in shell moduled impeller casting Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies 8, 4, 2022
Dr. V.D. Shinde Analyzing the Effect of Inoculant Addition on the Solidification of Ductile Cast Irons Using Thermal Analysis

World Journal of Engineering

S. G. Kanitkar Contribution of textiles in freedom fight of Bharat Textile Trends, Vol. L. No.8 Aug 2022
Dr. A.D. Patil Compability of Petrol-Ethanol, mixtures with various proportions, in FI spark ignition engine Journal of Xidian University Vol. 17 Issues 5 23/05/2023
Dr. B. B. Kabnure Evolution of microstructure and hardness in shell moulded impeller casting JMMDM, Vol 4 Issue-3, Sept-Dec, 2022

R.D. Patil

Dr. B. B. Kabnure

Design and Dev. of Portable Circular Profile Bending Machine JMMDM, Vol 4 Issue-3, Sept-Dec, 2022
R.R. Kolhapure Study of Machining Characteristics of Non-conventional Methods ICAMIDA Vol. 105 05/01/2023
G C Mekalke Investigating & Study of Various Composite Materials & their Counter parts to Replace the Conventional Materials ICAMIDA Vol. 105 05/01/2023
S. B. Rayjadhav A Novel Method of CT Chest Image Segmentation and Analysis for Early Lung Cancer Detection

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) (B)

103, 1875-1883 (2022)
S. B. Rayjadhav Development of Polyamide Based Blend & their Nano composites – A Review ICAMIDA Vol. 105 05/01/2023


 Academic Year 2021-22

Name of  Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conference with date

Dr. V.R. Naik

Dr. V.P. Gaikwad
Development of an Autonomous Robotic System for Hospitality G I S Science Journal, 8 Oct. 2021
Dr. V.R. Naik Modeling of broaching machine: Case study I J R E S Vol. 9 Issue 11
Dr. V.D. Shinde Optimization of Mechanical Characteristics of Coir/Jute Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composites

GIS Science Journal

Dr. V.D. Shinde,

S.B. Rayjadhav
Characterization of SG Iron by Ultrasonic Techniques J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D, 103, June 2022
P.N. Gore Computer Integrated Mfg In Die Mfg Industry For Productivity & Quality Enhancement IRJET, 09, 01,Jan 2022
Dr. A.D. Patil Electrostatic Precipitator for CI Engines International journal of Xidian University, 15, 9, (2021)

Dr. V. P. Gaikwad

Dr. A. R. Balwan
Performance Analysis of Micro channel Heat Sink with Flow Disrupting Pins Journal of thermal engineering, 8, 3, May 2022

Dr. A. R. Balwan,

Dr V D Shinde
Manufacturability assessment of custom knee implant prototype J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C, 103, 04, April 22
Dr. S.A. Soundattikar Automated Shape & Color Based Component Sorting Using Image Processing in Mechanical Industries

GIS Science Journal

Vol. 8/12, Dec 21
Dr. S. A. Soundattikar Component Handling Automated Guided Vehicle - A Cyber Physical System Case Study IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Special Issue July 2022
A.V. Sutar Overview of Manually Operated Paddy Trans planter JUUST Journal Vol 23, Issue 12 Dec 2021

R.D. Patil

G.C. Mekalke
Design and Fabrication of human powered forklift Journal of Advancement in Machines 6, 3, 2021
S.B. Rayjadhav Processing of Moulding Sand Reclamation Systems and Environmental Issues J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D 102, Sept 2021

S.B. Rayjadhav

U.A. Patil
Effect of Automation on the Heating of Waste Sand in Reclamation Process Using Arduino Microcontroller J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D 1 Nov 2021



Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conference with date

Dr. V.R. Naik

Development in Performance

of Impeller used in

Centrifugal Pump by using


International Journal of

Innovation in Engg and

Technology (IJIET)

Dr. V.R. Naik

Characterization of developed Al 6061-SiC metal matrix composite produced by stir

casting method.

Journal of Innovative

research in science and

Engineering, ISSN: 2454-


Dr. V.R. Naik

Develop. of Al 6061-SiC

composite & its use in mfg. of dovetail by single response optima.of hardness & surface

roughness by Taguchi

method in stir casting

Journal of Innovative

research in science and

Engineering, ISSN: 2449-


G.C. Mekalke,

B.B. Kabnure

Design and Dev. of test setup to study the basic procedure of vibration analysis

International Journal of

Computer Engineering In

Research Trends ISSN

(O): 2349-7084

V.B. Magdum

“Investigate the effect of

approaching angle on cutting force during EN 8 steel


International Journal of

Computer Engineering in

Research Trends, ISSN:


G.C. Mekalke, R.R.


“Analytical and Parametric

Optimization of Force

Transmissibility by Taguchi

Method for Double Stage

Engine Mountings”,

International Journal of

Computer Engineering In

Research Trends, ISSN

(O): 2349-7084,.

M.R. Rawal,

R.R. Kolhapure,

S.S. Sutar and

V.D. Shinde,

“Optimization of Resistance

Spot Welding of 304 Steel

Using GRA”,

International Journal of

Computer Engineering In

Research Trends, , ISSN

(O): 2349-7084.

Prof.R.D.Patil ,

Prof.P.N.Gore ,

Prof.PA.Naik ,


"Optimization of Hollow

Specimen Dimensions in

Torsion Testing of AISI 1020 Steel using Grey Relational


International Journal for

Scientific Research &

Developmen, ISSN (O):






Parametric Optimization of

Rectangular Beam Type Load Cell Using Taguchi Method

International Journal of

Computer Engineering In

Research Trends(IJCERT)

D.M. Kalai

Synthesis of Planer Eight Bar Mechanism for Function and Path Generation

Global Research and

Development Journal

for Engineering (GRDJE)

RakeshKolhapure, VasudevShinde,

Vijay Kamble

Geometrical optimization of strain gauge force transducer using GRA method

Science Direct, Measurement, Volume 101, 2017 ISSN 0263-2241 pp. 111-117.

P.S.Badkar, D.M.Kalai

Design, Manufacturing and Analysis of Alloy Steel Brake Disc

Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017

ISSN: 2249 - 6289, , pp.31-37

D.M. Kalai


Mechanical Design of Extended Chassis Frame for Defence Vehicle

Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 5 No. 2,

ISSN: 2231-6108 2016, pp. 1- 10



“Investigating Feed Rate Effect on Cutting Force of EN 8 Turning”,

Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017, ISSN: 2249 –6289 , PP.8-12.



“Study of effect of tool geometry on cutting force generated during

turning”, in

International Journal for Scientific Research and Development

(IJSRD), Vol. 4, Issue 12, February 2017, ISSN (Online): 2321 0613, PP 892-895.

Prof.Rajkumar D. Patiland ,Prof.PurushottamN.Gore

Analysis of Specimen Dimensions in Torsion Testing of AISI 1020 Steel using Single Objective Taguchi Method and Multi Objective Grey Relational Analysis”,

Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017 ISSN: 2249 - 6289, pp.3-7.

Prof. Rajkumar.D.Patil, Dothre Dinesh, Hegade Sachin, Urane Vivekand, Killedar Vishal

“Design of Milling Fixture in Mass Production of Pivot Block”,

Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017ISSN: 2249 - 6289, pp.13-17.

Prof. Bahubali B. Kabnure and Prof. Rajkumar.D.Patil,

“Effect of Inclination on Efficiency of Heat Pipe”

,Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017 ISSN: 2249 – 6289, , pp.38-42.

Suraj Yadav, Sanket Benade, Sushil Angchekar,

Vaibhav Dhokle, Prof. Rakesh Kolhapure


International journal of current engineering and scientific research (ijcesr), vol.4, issue 6, Issn no.

2393-8374, pp.70-77

S. A. Soundattikar, SnehaGadkari, Amit Patil, SushilKhade

Case Study on Process Automation using PLC in soft drink manufacturing

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE) Vol 2, Issue 2, February 2017 ,ISSN (Online) 2456-1290 pp 93-97

S. A. Soundattikar, Deepak Salunkhe

Design and development of automated capsicum sorting system using PLC

Journal of Advances in Science and Technology , Vol.XIII, Issue – 1, March 2017 ISSN: 2230-9659 pp19-22

S. A. Soundattikar, Shubham Mane, Pranav Anuje

Case study on PLC operated Automatic Handling Systems in Mechanical Industry

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE) Vol 2, Issue 2, February 2017 ,ISSN (Online) 2456-1290

Pp 89-92

S. A. Soundattikar, Harsh Vernekar, NamrataMone, Rohan Patil

Case study on Micro Drill Hole Inspection using PLC

International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE), Vol 2, Issue 2, February 2017 ISSN (Online) 2456-1290 pp46-49


Review on Manufacturing and analysis of composite lever clutch for Two wheeler

International journal for innovative Research in Science and Technology (IJIRST ) Vol.3

Issue 10 , march 2017

ISSN 2349-6010 pp 289-293


Use of composite material for replacement to Aluminum

In conventional two wheeler

Lever clutch.

International journal for innovative Research in Science and Technology (IJIRST ) Vol.3

Issue 10 , march 2017

ISSN 2349-6010 pp 293-296


Development of performance of impeller used in centrifugal pump by using computational fluid Dynamics (CFD)

International Journal of innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET) vol.7

Issue 3 , oct 2016 ISSN 2314-1058

pp 114-120


Comparative Numerical Static

Analysis of centrifugal pump impeller design for water holding applications of medium Capacity

International journal for specific research and Development vol.4 Issue 07,2016

ISSN-2321-0613 pp 1029-1032


Analysis and optimization of speed feed and no of teeth of circular saw for special purpose sawing machine

International journal for innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET ) Vol.5

Issue 9 , ISSN 2347-6710

pp 16099-16108


Design & Development of Special Purpose Machine for its Cycle Time Optimization

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-9, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362, pp 1654-1663


Design & Development of Auto gauging Machine for outer ring of Needle Bearing

International Journal of Interdisciplinary (IJIR)

Research vol.2, Issue 9 , ISSN 2454:1362

pp 1667-1675


Development Of Automation Based Electronic gauging system using Mechatronic devices

International journal of innovative Research in Science engineering & technology (IJIRSET) Vol.1 Issue 9 , Issn2319-8753 pp 16073-16087

Kishor K. Powar

Automatic Bar Feeding By Linear Indexing on Cutting Machine

IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 02, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Dr. Shinde V.D.

Akiwate S. B.

Development of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure for Aeronautical Flooring Components

1st National conference on Mechanical Engineering in Next decade, Karad,2017, pp 165-170

Dr. Shinde V.D.

Akiwate S. B

Experimental Investigation of Bending behavior of Aluminium Alloy Honeycomb SandwichStructure using Four Point Bending Tests

International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 4 (1), , ISSN (online): 2349-6010 pp 97-101

Dr. Shinde V.D.

S. A. Patil

“Design, Development and Analysis of Impeller for Sand Slurry Pumping”

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 4(2),ISSN (online)2349-6010 pp 112-117.

Dr. Shinde V.D.

S. A. Patil

Testing of Two Different Enclosed Impellers at Same Speed”

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.6 (7), ISSn 2347-6710 13244-13248

Dr. Shinde V.D.


Comparative analysis of photoelastic technique using ansys”

2ndNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2017),WCE, Sangli.

P.S. Barge,

Dr. V.D.Shinde,

Vibration analysis of bearings in centrifugal pump

2ndNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2017),WCE, Sangli.





Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conference with date


Validation in the improvement of

performance centrifugal pumps

Using CFD


International research journal of

Engineering & Technology

ISSN: 2395-0072, Vol.4, issue 6 June 2017


Investigating feed rate effect on cutting force of EN8 turning


Asian Review of Mechanical

Engineering , ISSN: 2249-5289 Vol 6 , No.1 , 2017, p.p 8-12


“Development of Honeycomb

Sandwich Structure

for Aeronautical Flooring



1 st National conference on


Engineering in Next decade,

Karad, 165-170.


“Experimental Investigation of Bending behavior of

Aluminium Alloy Honeycomb Sandwich Structure using Four

Point Bending Tests”


International Journal for

Innovative Research in Science

& Technology, 4 (1),97-101,

ISSN (online): 2349-6010


“Design, Development and

Analysis of Impeller for Sand

Slurry Pumping”


International Journal of

Innovative Research in Science

& Technology, 4(2), 112-117.


“Testing of Two Different Enclosed

Impellers at Same Speed”


International Journal of

Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology.

Vol.6 (7), 13244-




“Comparative analysis of

photoelastic technique using



2ndNational Conference on

Recent Trends in Mechanical

Engineering (NCRTME -

2017),WCE, Sangli



“Vibration analysis of bearings in

centrifugal pump”

2ndNational Conference on

Recent Trends in Mechanical

Engineering (NCRTME -

2017),WCE, Sangli.

V .P.Gaikwad


Fabrication and testing of silicon

based micro channel heat exchanger

Inspired by leaf venation pattern for

electronic cooling

International journal for precision

technology.(accepted paper )




Design, Manufacturing and

Analysis of Alloy Steel Brake Disc

Asian Review of Mechanical


ISSN: 2249 - 6289 Vol. 6 No. 1,

2017, pp.31-37

Rajkumar D. Patil

Uttam S.


Vishal R. Balwan


Effect of Specimen Dimensions on

Yield Shear Stress in Torsion


of AISI 1020 Steel by using

Taguchi with GRA

IJSRD - International Journal

for Scientific Research &

Development| Vol. 5, Issue 09,

2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613




“Analysis of Four Wheel Steer

Electronic Vehicle Using FEA


International Journal of

Innovative Science and Research

Technology, ISSN NO. 2456 –

2165, 2, 10, 104-111,Oct-2017.

D.M. Kalai



Mechanical Design of Extended

Chassis Frame for Defense Vehicle

Asian Review of Mechanical


ISSN: 2231-6108 Vol. 5 No. 2,

2016, pp. 1- 10

Dr. V.R. Naik


Validation in the improvement of

performance centrifugal pumps

Using CFD

Int. Research Journal Of

Engineering & Technology

Dr. V.R. Naik


Investigating feed rate effect on

cutting force of EN8 turning

Asian Review of Mechanical


Dr. V.R. Naik


Experimental validation of vibration

characteristics of selected centrifugal


Int. Research Journal Of

Engineering & Technology

Prof.V. A. Kamble,

Prof.A. R. Balwan


Optimizing Turning Parameters of

Al/Sicp Metal Matrix Composite Using

Response Surface Methodology

Int. Journal Of Science,

Technology And Management

Dr. V. D. Shinde


Design, Development and Analysis of

Impeller for Sand Slurry Pumping

Int. Journal for Innovative

Research in Science &


Dr. V. D. Shinde


Testing of Two Different Enclosed

Impellers at Same Speed

Int. Journal of Innovative

Research in Science

Engineering and Technology,

Dr. V.D.Shinde


Experimental Investigation of bending

behavior of Aluminium Alloy

Honeycomb Sandwich Structure using

Four Point Bending Tests

Int. Journal for

Innovative Research in Science

& Technology

Prof. V.P.



Fabrication and testing of silicon based

micro channel heat exchanger Inspired

by leaf venation pattern for electronic


Int. journal for precision


Prof. P.S.Badkar

Prof. D.M.Kalai


Design, Manufacturing & Analysis of

Alloy Steel Brake Disc

Asian Review of Mechanical


Rajkumar D. Patil


Vishal R. Balwan


Effect of Specimen Dimensions on

Yield Shear Stress in Torsion Testing of

AISI 1020 Steel by using

Taguchi with GRA

Int. Journal for Scientific

Research & Development

Prof. R.R.



Analysis of Four Wheel Steer Electronic

Vehicle Using FEA Method

Int. Journal of

Innovative Science & Research


Prof. D.M. Kalai

Prof. P.A. Naik


Mechanical Design of Extended

Chassis Frame for Defense Vehicle

Asian Review of Mechanical





Name of  Faculty

Title of the Book


Prof. G. C. Mekalke  

Crash Analysis of Front Bumper of SUV Using Finite Element Analysis

Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany

ISBN No: 978-3-330-07262-6

Prof. B. B. Kabnure and Prof. (Dr.) V.D. Shinde

Modeling, Simulation and Process Development of Impeller Casting

Published @ Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany

ISBN No: 978-3-330-03020-6



Mechanical Department Details of the Patents Filed



Patent Number

Name of the Faculty

1 Automated ice cream slicing and cup handling mechanism 201821036630

Prof.S.A. Soundattikar

Dr. V.R. Naik
2 Design and working of a varying force measuring device 202021026140

Prof.V.A. Kamble

Dr. V.D. Shinde
3 Smart Safety Stick To Repel Reptiles 201821025865

Dr. V.R. Naik

Prof. U.S. Khade

Dr. S. A. Patil
4 Partial Perpetual Machine for Bicycle and other application 201821000170

Prof. U.S. Khade

Dr. V.R. Naik
5 Automatic food stuff packaging system 201821018626

Prof. U.S. Khade

Dr. V.R. Naik
6 Design and development of automated egg shell cracking and separating mechanism 201821019120

Prof. S.A. Soundattikar

Dr. V.R.Naik


Smart Honking and Turn System Using Wireless Control Glove


Dr. V.R. Naik

Prof. U.S. Khade


Component tying machine and flower garland making machine.


Dr. V.R. Naik

Prof. U.S. Khade

 9 Component smart sand reclamation Machine  342531-001

(Dr.) V. D. Shinde, Mr. Utkarsh A. Patil and Prof. (Dr.) P. V.Kadole


 Artificial Bee Hive

 320647-001  Prof.V. P. Gaikwad,

Chalk and Laser Pointer Holder Device within Duster Body

333579-001 Mr.P.S.Badkar, Mr.B.B.Kabnure, Prof (Dr.) V.R Naik and Prof. (Dr.) P.V. Kadole.
12 Micro channel Heat-Exchanger based Natural Flow Patterns, inspired by leaf venation, for Electronic Cooling 390617 Prof. V. P. Gaikwad,
Dr. S.S. Mohite
13 Portable Backpack Stool 107801 Prof. M.R. Rawal,
Mr. R.R. Kolhapure,
Mr. U.A. Patil,
Mr. L.S. Sawant

Smart Electronic Device Holder


Dr. Vinayak Ramchandra Naik

Dr Bahubali Bhupal Kabnure

Dr Prahalad Sawant Badkar




Name of  Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Mr. Shrikant Bidwai

“Introduction to Finite

Element Based Simulation”

12-08- 2016


Mr. Ramchandra Rao

‘Career Opportunities in Power Plant Engineering’



Mr. Vaibhav Srivastava,

Guided students for IES and

GATE exams



Prof. N.V.Deshpande

‘Innovations in Biomedical Engineering’




Name of  Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Mr. Vignesh Naidu

“Job Profiles Based on Abacus Software in Industry”



1] Mayur Kalani

2] Pallavi Khot

3] Anagha Bedis




Mr.Nikhil Padate

“Entrepreneurship Development”



Mr.Shrikant Bidwai

Hyper loop Technology,






Name of Events

Name of College/Place


Sanket Munot (Captain), Akshay Khade (Vice-Captain),

Abhijeet Kudache (Driver), Abhijeet Hawal Onkar Magtdum Alok, Doshi Rushikesh Khade,

Adarsh Bhatgunki, Virendra Kitturkar, Pankaj Khot, Koustubh Potdar, Digvijay Patil,

Shubham Chikhalkar, Bhagyashri Patil, Minal Shinde, Tanmay Hatti, Umesh Desai,

Prasad Mali, Arvind Patil, Omprakash Ipper

National Kart Racing Championship

National Kart Racing Championship

2nd prize

for the Endurance test and achieved 2nd rank in final race

a) AshiwiniZujar b)SheetalShingare

Tech-Symposium 2K1

Poster Presentation

DKTE Ichalkaranji


a) Sagar Patil

b) GeetPandit

Tech-Symposium 2K1

Jig Design

DKTE Ichalkaranji




Name of the Student

Name of Events

Name of College


Mr.Shubham Banne, Mr.Sarang LokhandeMr.Swapnil Sangar

Silver Jubilee of Department of Mechanical Engineering, a

Mechanical Monument Designing Competition was organized in the


DKTE Ichalkaranji

1st winner

Miss Shruti Pardeshi, Miss Aishwarya Mahajan

Miss Revati Todkar

Silver Jubilee of Department of Mechanical Engineering, a

Mechanical Monument Designing Competition was organized in the


DKTE Ichalkaranji

2nd winner

Mr.Shubham Patil,

Mr.Nishant Sangave, Mr.Tirthraj Patil

Mr.Sushant Patil

Silver Jubilee of Department of Mechanical Engineering, a

Mechanical Monument Designing Competition was organized in the


DKTE Ichalkaranji

3rd winner

Jeevan Bedage,

Shubham Hagare Shubham Gurav

Abhi Kadam

Suyog Dongare

“Team - O - Mania”.

DKTE Ichalkaranji


Shantanu Yalrute PrathameshUrunkar

Amit Sontakke

Amey Potdar

Rajwardhan Wangikar

“Team - O - Mania”.

DKTE Ichalkaranji

1st Runner up

Asutosh Chhachwale Arshad Pimpare

Arbaz Shaikh,

Omkar Karveer

Anand Karade 

“Team - O - Mania”.

DKTE Ichalkaranji

2nd Runner up

Netraj Surnis


DKTE Ichalkaranji


Swapnil Mali


DKTE Ichalkaranji

1st Runner up

Sohel Mujawar


DKTE Ichalkaranji

2nd Runner up

Sonali Jadhav

“Techsymposium 2k18” Energy Carnival

DKTE Ichalkaranji


Pranavi Bhosale

Swati Ghune

“Techsymposium 2k18” Energy Carnival

DKTE Ichalkaranji

Runner up

Amit Sasane and Tirthraj Patil

“Techsymposium 2k18” CadBee

DKTE Ichalkaranji

Runner up