Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra



A “Welcome Function and Director’s Address” was organized in grand manner at N. B. Ghorpade Natyagruh, for all First Year Degree and MBA students every year. The function began with National Anthem followed by Song of Youth. Prof. Dr. Mrs. L. S. Admuthe Director and Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. U. Awade Secretary of the Institute, welcomed the newly admitted students and their parents and wished them bright academic life ahead in DKTE. They introduced DKTE culture to them.

Director Address



Induction Program

Institute organized ‘Induction Program’ for newly admitted FY B.Tech Students as per AICTE guidelines every year. Aim of this program was to make them aware about institute’s Academic Rule’s & Regulations, Academic activities, Examination Rule’s & Regulations, Office Documentation, Library facilities, Training and Placement activity, Career Guidance, Culture & Discipline, Sports & Gymkhana, Hostel facilities, Social, Ambar Magazine, NSS, etc .This program was especially planned for fresher’s to help them navigate their journey in DKTE.

The following various sessions were carried out in the Induction/ Orientation Program every year:

1. In the Orientation Program, for newly admitted First Year students visited to various places in order to familiarize them with the area.The students paid visit to historical places such as Ramling, Kunthugiri & Bahubali present in Kolhapur District Area. The students were also taken to the places of Scenic Nature to make them aware of special Environment and Atmosphere available in this area and the importance of Ecology.Almost all First year students visited the places and their Mentors accompanied them and guided them.

2.  Dr. M. B. Chougule, HoD, Civil Engineering Department, titled ‘Developing Effective Study Skills & Smart Examination Techniques’. The session was full of knowledgeable and encouraging slides, including brain storming videos.

3. The Session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was on ‘Time Management’ by Prof. S.D. Mahajan. He gave a presentation on how to do proper utilisation of time, through informative slides and in lucid manner. He taught students how to identify time wasters and how to overcome them instead of letting them take over us.

4. For First Year Engineering Students was based on patriotism; love for the nation and about rendering social services. The presentation was conducted by Prof. S. G. Kanitkar on ‘NSS Activities’. Being renowned public speaker, Prof. Kanitkar evoked love for social cause in the young minds of the first year students. He co-related Social Service with Patriotism. His own patriotic sense ignited young minds. The newly admitted students felt deep sense of gratitude in understanding that DKTE is giving equal importance to Social Services. Being Chairman for NSS Committee, Prof. Kanitkar put before the students all different kinds of social services rendered by DKTE through NSS and other activities. The students were greatly touched and felt like being part of the activities.

5. In the Induction Program for First Year Students, Session was conducted by Dr. R. S. Patil, on ‘Foundation of Science and Technology – Quest for Truth’. The lecture was full of interesting videos and wide range of examples covering varied aspects of Science and Technology.

6. The Session of Induction Program began with: Iron Man Experiences shared by Mr. Swapnil Mane, Mr. Mahesh Mete, Mr. Vishal Kothale and Dr. Amit Deshmukh, who all hail from Ichalkaranji and won title of ‘Iron Man’ and ‘Half Iron Man’ at Austria and Kazakhstan through international competition. Triathlon Sporting event known as ‘IRONMAN’, events have a limited time of 17:00 hours to complete the race, with around 4.0 km of Swimming, 180 km of Cycling and about 42 km of Running. Above ‘Iron Man’ shared very inspiring and motivating real life experiences when they successfully completed the sporting event. The session was full of excitement also which ended with motivational videos.

7. The Session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was on ‘Singing & Mimicry’ by one of the famous entertainers, Mr. Manish Apte. He stunned the first year students with his lively mimicry events. He was equally good at singing and poetry reciting. The audience was entertained to their fullest.

8. The session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was on ‘Art in Human Life’ presented by Mr. Vijay Shinde, a retired School Art Teacher who is also famous for preparing primary school text book cover pages and drawing pictures and figures in them. Mr. Shinde, who is equally famous for his stage performances, presented before the audience in dramatic manner the proper way of presenting ourselves in social life. He co-related art with human life. Students were delighted to witness the performances.

9. The session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was on ‘Proficiency in English’ conducted by the Honorary Secretary, DKTE Society Dr. Mrs. Sapna Awade. The session was full of examples. The presenter also gave stress on correct English and its importance. The session also covered real life examples of successful persons. Students got greatly inspired and motivated by the session.

10. The session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was ‘Alumni Interaction’ , in which DKTE alumni Mr. Chandrashekhar Phadnis & Mr. Sameer Joshi from Textile Department, Mr. Yuvraj Ghorpade from Electronics Department, Mr. Tushar Sultanpure from Mechanical Department and Mr. Uday Patil from Computer Science and Engineering Department interacted freely with newly admitted first year students. They shared their experiences at work place and cherished many old memories at DKTE as students. The first year students were greatly moved to listen to their speeches which revealed their attachment for DKTE. The alumni even shared their contact details with students and assured them of extending help to them as and when required.

11. The Twelfth & Thirteenth Sessions in the Orientation Program for First Year Engineering Students were visits to two places to familiarize them to the under privilege. For this we visited Navchaitanya Orphans School, Ichalkaranji & Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji Deaf School, Tilwani to understand the groomimg of orphans & deaf students.

12. The Session of Induction Program for First Year Engineering Students was on ‘Career Guidance’ presented by Dr. J. M. Patil, the Incharge of Career Guidance Cell. Dr.Patil conducts German Language classes for students’ desires to go to Germany & Europe. He guided students in how to crack exams like TOEFL and IELTS etc as a basic qualification for aspirants for education in foreign universities.








Parents’ Meet

The General Engineering Department has organized “Parents’ Meet” programme for newly admitted students every year. For this programme around 400 parents’ assembled for the function in Shrimant Govindrao Ghorpade Auditorium Hall.



parents Meet





Life Skills, Professional Ethics and Yoga

General Engineering Department arranged practicals on “Yoga Practice and Meditation” for FY B.Tech students. This practical is a part of the subject “Life Skills, Professional Ethics and Yoga”. This helps students to relieve stress, to build sound mind and good health. This session was conducted by experts from various Trust.

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First Year Students Visit

The visit of First Year students was organised to Sewage Waste Management Plant, Water Purification Plant and Ichalkaranji Municipal Corporation, as per the guidelines of Divisional Commissioner, Pune, Maharashtra State Government.

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Organisation of Maha Walkathon - by DKTE

DKTE along with PWD, Govt of Maharashtra, MMVD (Transport), CSR Diary and CASI Global jointly organised the’ Maha Walkathon’ supporting #NO HONKING, #ROAD Safety, #RESPONSIBLE DRIVING on  November Month. For this Maha walkathon Government officers, Traffic Police authorities, various N.G.O.' S and other schools, colleges, Industrialists actively participated. On this occasion students of DKTE, HOD’s of various departments and faculty members were present. Mahawalkathon was organised from DKTE Rajwada to Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Kalawant Mala Ichalkaranji

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“Social Innovation with Human Centered Design Approach”

A Workshop on “Social Innovation with Human Centered Design Approach” was conducted @ DKTE on 9th April under the aegis of ISTE Chapter. The Speaker of the workshop was Prof.(Dr) Sanjay Kottabagi, Head of Humanities Department, KLE Technological University, Hubli. All the faculty members teaching First Year classes attended this workshop. Mr. A.L.Mulla & Mrs S.S.Kharage explained their projects related to ‘Social Innovation’ in the workshop.


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