A Mentoring relationship is a very personal one, which is often important to the mentee. As a Mentor we get to know our student's academic, research, professional and personal goals, so our Mentors help them in such a way that meets their personal best interest. Quality mentoring greatly enhances students' chances for success. From its inception, our Institute's General Engineering Department provides such a Mentoring platform.
Mentor records the following data:
Mentoring Process:
1. Mentoring activity In-charge assign a Mentor for the newly admitted students of First Year Engineering.
2. Connect batch of 15-20 students to each Mentor.
3. Mentor-Mentee meeting: - Once in every week conducted.
Agenda of the meeting: -
Academic issues
Infrastructure issues
Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities
Professional guidance.
Student’s Issues if any.
4. Mentors shall submit monthly report to the Mentoring activity In-charge.
5. Mentoring activity In-charge and Head of the Department resolve the issues.
6. Department conducts parents meet.
7. Time to time information shall convey to the parents about mentee.
8. Based on above data Mentor will provide overall guidance and support to the students and provide counselling if necessary.