Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra




I extend a very hearty welcome to all of you. I am very happy to note that a small sapling planted in 1982 has grown into a huge banyan tree. It has been a hugely satisfying journey. I applaud the sincere efforts of all the faculty and staff that have put in endless hours of toil to achieve this. But, this is definitely not the end. I want this institute to grow even more and create engineers capable of taking on the new challenges of today.

Educational Institutes have a critical role in providing the students with all the necessary inputs required to make them global citizens. In today’s advanced world, Institutes are more of a facilitator of knowledge than just a provider of knowledge. Students need to be given all the knowledge, skills and ability so that they are able to appreciate the changes happening in society and adapt to them. It will be my endeavor, to ensure that this institute remains always relevant.