Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra


"Electronics Engineering Students Association"

The activities of EESA/COMSA are conducted under IETE (The Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) students’ chapter. The various activities conducted during the year 2021-22 are:


1. Tech-symposium 2k22

A national level technical event “Tech-Symposium 2k22” was arranged on 19th March 2022. Technical events “Arduino Hackathon” was arranged by Electronics Department.

2.Synergy 2k21

The paper presentation competition “Synergy 2k21” was arranged on 13th March 2021. The competition was conducted in two groups namely Novice and Expert. The event received huge response. The main motive of the competition was to provide a platform for students to showcase their ideas

3. Teachers Day Celebration

Third year students along with ESSA committee celebrated Teachers Day on 4th September 2021 in online mode. Third year students expressed their gratitude for teacher’s trough speech and poems. Online quiz was arranged for the teachers by the students

4.   Technova

The state level event Technova was organized by the Electronics and ETC Department on 18th September 2021 in online mode. The activity provided platform for the students to explore their knowledge and interpersonal skills. The event received a huge response of the students from various colleges


Workshops Arranged

         Two days’ workshop on “Arduino & Programming” was arranged for second year ETC students by Third year ETRX and ETC students on 11-12 March 2022.  Main motive was to explore the students the basic architecture, programming and interfacing of various sensors to Arduino board.  Total 110 students participated in workshop


2. Three days’ workshop on “Raspberry PI programming” was conducted on 7th to 9th February 2022 for third year electronics and ETC students




The department has started Electronics Engineering Students Association (EESA) in September 2002. The aim of EESA is to provide platform to bring out the inner potential of students and to blossom it in a right path.EESA has been organising various activities for students to express and enrich their skills through various activities like Aptitude test, Group discussion, C & C++ contests, Technical tests and Panel discussion.

After undergoing a total rejuvenation, the EESA started functioning under a committee with student members from second and third year electronics students with a vision to create a name synonymous to excellence, innovation, honour and outstanding quality and service.

IETE Student Chapter

Electronics Departmentt has inaugurated IETE student chapter at the hands of Mr Rameshndra Bhorania & Mr Gajanan jadhav of Misubishi Electric Pune. Dr P V Kadole guided students to plan various activities under IETE student chapter.

Electronics Engineering Department organized a Webinar Series from 06th Nov. 2020 to 10th Nov. 2020 on “Recent Trends in Electronics Industry" for the Third year Electronics Engineering students. These webinars were delivered by five eminent international personalities from Electronics Industries of various domains.


The Electronics Department organizes a ‘Mini-Project competition/Exhibition’ every year. The event receives an overwhelming participation from Second to Final year students. The department invites students from various Diploma and Junior colleges to visit the Project Exhibition.






The electronics department organizes campus activity event EPISTEME every year under IETE student’s chapter. The rounds conducted in the event are Aptitude test, Group discussion, Surprise round (act on theme), Personal interview. This activity provided platform for the students to explore their knowledge and interpersonal skills.








  • Every year 8 days training program, Project Extravaganza accomplished with the objective of providing the insight about the advancements in the Electronics Engineering.
  • The workshop was divided into different groups:
    • Group 1 - Arduino and FireBird Robots
    • Group 2 - Raspberry Pi and IoT
    • Group 3 - LabVIEW and PLC