- Department has Industry Sponsored Labs, IoT from Intel USA, e-Yantra Robotic Laboratory from IIT Bombay and NVIDIA GPU Education Center from NVIDIA
- Total six workshops of 15 days has been arranged though “Remote Centre” under e-Outreach project of IIT, Bombay, MHRD, Government of India.
- TCS Accreditation for Campus Placements
The Department has organized a workshop on "Outcome-based Curriculum and Design and Evaluation" on Monday, 10th July 2023.

Computer Science and Engineering Department organized One Week Online Faculty Development Program on ‘Python 3.4.3’ from 4th to 8th May 2020 in association with “Spoken Tutorial Project”, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Spoken Tutorial is an initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India, to promote IT literacy through open source Software. 60 Faculties from various engineering colleges participated in this FDP through online mode.

Department organised three days hands-on workshop on “Effective Teaching” under IUCEE from 12th to 14th February, 2020. Prof.Claire Komives from ‘San Jose State University’, USA conducted this workshop. Total 21 faculty members from various departments attended this workshop.

FDP on Cyber Security was organized from 9th to 14th December 2019 under PMMMNMTT of MHRD by Shivaji University, Kolhapur and hosted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of DKTE. Total 55 faculties from various colleges of different streams were participated in workshop.
Our Department organized one day AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on "Awareness about High Performance Computing" in association with C-DAC Pune under National Supercomputing Mission of Govt. of India, on 8th February 2020 for faculty from engineering colleges under Shivaji University Kolhapur. The objective of this workshop was to train the faculty on Scientific Computing using High Performance Architectures. Around 50 faculty members from our institute and other Engineering colleges under Shivaji University attended the workshop.
Name of Faculty | Achievement |
Prof. S. D. Rane |
Devnet Associate Instructor Training

Prof. V. V. Kheradkar |
Blue Prism Associate Developer Educator Certification

Prof. S. R. Patil |
Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Prof. V. G. Khetade |
Devnet Associate Instructor Training

Prof. S. D. Rane |
Completed Educator Training Certificate for successfully completing Devnet Associate Instructor Training in association with Eduskills and Cisco Networking Academy |
Prof. S. C. Sagare |
Completed Educator Training Certificate for successfully completing Cyber Devops Associate Instructor Training in association with Eduskills and Cisco Networking Academy |
Prof. P. M. Gavali |
Completed Cybersecurity Foundation, Gateway & Essentials Train the Trainee course in association with Eduskills and PaloAlto Networks Cyber Security Academy. |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Participated in curriculum development Faculty development program on Parallel and Distributed Computing held at Tennessee Technological University , Cookeville, Tennessee, United States, from 24 -28 July 2018. His air travel and staying was supported by Intel and NSF USA. |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Invited as keynote speaker on Knowledge Based Computer Systems and Its Applications to Engineering Sector in 4th Annual World Congress on Emerging Trends in Information Technology "InfoTech 2015" held at Shenzhen, China. April 18-22, 2015 |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Participated and explained Foundation Program Activities of Infosys Campus Connect Program at co-ordinator meet held at Infosys Pune |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Worked as a member of panel in the Panel Discussions at ‘E-yantra National Symposium’ held at IIT Bombay |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Received prestigious "50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders Award" from World Education Congress |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Attended 13th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals organised by Shenzhen Govt., China |
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade |
Attended as a resource person iPDC one week workshop on Curriculum Design on Parallel and Distributed Computing
held at Tennessee Technological University,USA, July 2018. The workshop was supported by National Science Foundation,USA
Sr No
| Title of Paper | Name of Faculty | Journal |
01 |
Iterative Entity Collector for Complex Open Domain Question Answering System |
Prof. A. A. Gat |
The Seybold report |
September 2020 |
02 |
Exploring Visual Relationship for Image using GCN-LSTM |
Prof. A. A. Gat |
GIS Science Journal |
June, 2021 |
03 |
Unsupervised CNN model for indoor and outdoor image classification |
Prof. J. D. Pakhare |
The Seybold Report |
September 2020 |
04 |
Hybrid Mayfly Moth Flame Optimization based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification |
Prof. J. D. Pakhare |
GIS Science Journal |
May 2021 |
Sr No
| Title of Paper | Name of Faculty | Journal |
01 |
Sentiment Analysis using Multiple Word Embedding for Words |
Prof. S. K. Shirgave |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
(Scopus Indexed)
May 2020 |
02 |
Template Based Clustering of Web Documents Using Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) |
Prof. T.I Bagban |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
(Scopus Indexed)
Special Issue Jan 2020 |
03 |
Survey on trustless crowd intelligence Eco system management using block chain |
Prof. K. S .Kadam |
International Journal of Engineering Research and technology |
December. 2019 |
04 |
A System For Predictive Data Analytics Using Sequential Rule Mining |
Prof. S. C. Sagare, Prof. Dr. S.K. Shirgave, Prof. Dr. D. V. Kodavade |
International Journal of Software Innovation (Scopus Indexed) |
March 2020 |
05 |
Use of Purpose and Role Based Access Control Mechanisms to Protect Data within RDBMS |
Prof. S. K. Patil Prof. S. C. Sagare Prof. A. S. Shelar |
International Journal of Software Innovation (Scopus Indexed) |
January-March 2020 |
Sr No
| Title of Paper | Name of Faculty | Journal |
01 |
Domestic Electricity Consumption Analysis Unsing Data Mining Techniques |
Mrs. S.S.Darbastwar |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education |
March, 2018 |
02 |
Detection of Duplicate records uning progressive windowing techniques |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Journal of Engineering and Technology |
March 2018 |
03 |
Enhncing Sub Graph Matching Correlation Technique in Large Graph Database |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Journal of Engineering and Technology |
March 2018 |
04 |
Survey Paper on Detection of Unhealthy Region of Plant Leaves Using Image Processing and Soft Computing Techniques |
Prof. Dr. D. V. Kodavade |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends |
Feb. 2018 |
05 |
Continuous Multitopic Tweet Summarization and Timeline Generation using Clustering |
Prof.(Dr.) D.V.Kodavade |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends |
Feb 2018 |
06 |
SMART LMD : A smart technique for lane markers detection in urban area roads using IOT. |
Prof. S.C.Sagare Prof. S.K.Patil |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education |
May 2019 |
07 |
Implementation of color image sampler and profiler |
Prof. V.G.Khetade |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education |
May 2019 |
08 |
An augmented reality experience in BEY - BATTLE gaming |
Prof. P.M.Gavali |
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology |
May 2019 |
09 |
QR code based authentication system for exam management |
Prof. A.B.Majgave |
International Journal for Scientific Research and Development |
April 2019 |
Sr No
| Title of Paper | Name of Faculty | Journal |
01 |
Detection of Duplicate Records by Using Progressive Windowing Technique |
Prof. K. S. Kadam |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Innovation Ideas in Education |
May, 2017 |
02 |
Energy Consumption on Smartphone WebBrowsing in 3G Network |
Prof. U. A. Nuli |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends |
July,2017 |
03 |
Association Rule Mining Using Bio inspired bees swarm intelligence on CUDA |
Prof. U. A. Nuli
Prof. A. S. Shelar
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Volume 8, ISSN No. 0976-5697 |
July – August 2017 |
04 |
Protecting Data in Relational Database Management system using purpose and role based access control |
Prof. S.K.Patil Prof. S.B.Bhagate |
Interna tional Journal of Computer engineering in research trends Volulme 4 Issue 8 Pg. 336-340 (2349-7084) |
August, 2017 |
05 |
A Key Encryption for Digital Signature by Forward Security |
Prof. S.B.Bhagate |
International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering Science and Technology Vol.4 issue 10 |
Octomber, 2017 |
06 |
Survey on Mining Partially Ordered Sequencial Rule |
Prof. S.C.Sagare |
International Journal of Computer engineering in research trends Impact Factor 4.029 Volulme 4 Issue 5 Pg. 169-170 (2349-7084) |
May 2017 |
07 |
SPOSR: A System for Mining Partially Ordered Sequential Rule |
Prof. S.C.Sagare |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Innovative Ideas in Education Volulme 3 Issue 4 Pg. 169-170 (2396-4396) |
August 2017 |
08 |
A Survey On OMCHAR: Opinion-mining Methods and their CHARacteristics |
Prof. S.C.Sagare, Prof. V. G.Khetade, Prof. Mrs. S. S. Darbastwar |
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education -ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Vol-3Issue-6 2017 |
Nov, 2017 |
09 |
A Survey on Taxonomy Learning using Graph Based Approach |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Journal of Computer engineering in research trends Impact Factor 4.029 Volulme 4 Issue 11 Pg. 539-542 (2349-7084) |
Nov, 2017 |
10 |
A Semantic Network approach used to Measure Term Similarity |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Conference on Research, Technology and Education Space |
Feb.2018 |
11 |
Enhancing Sub Graph Matching With Set Correlation Technique in Large Graph Database |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Conference on Research, Technology and Education Space |
Feb.2018 |
12 |
Detection of Duplicate Records Using Progressive Windowing Technique |
Prof. K.S.Kadam |
International Conference on Research, Technology and Education Space |
Feb.2018 |
13 |
Investigation of Mining Association Rules on XML Document |
Prof. P. M. Gavali |
International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends (E-ISSN: 2349-7084) |
Feb, 2018 |
14 |
Implementation of lossless visible Watermarking and data hiding using advanced encryption standard algorithm |
Prof. V. G.Khetade |
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology ISSN:2319-3778 Vol-9,Issue-4 |
Feb, 2018 |
15 |
Construction of basis matrices for (k,n) and progressive visual cryptography schemes |
Prof. S.B.Bhagate |
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ISSN. 2347-2693 Vol.6 |
Feb, 2018 |
Sr No
| Name of Faculty | Title of Book | ISBN Number |
01 |
Prof. Mrs.S.S.Darbastwar |
TCP-DCR: A Protocl for Tolerating Wireless Channel Errors |
LAP Lambert publication ISBN- 978-613-9-87091-2 |
02 |
Prof. K. S. Kadam
Prof.Y. M. Kamble
Duplicate Code Detection and Extraction |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-613-9-86485-0 |
03 |
Prof. S.K.Patil |
Data Protection Through Purpose & Role Based Access Control in RDBMS |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-613-9-91499-9 |
04 |
Prof. S.C. Sagare |
Mining Sequential Rules by Applying Sliding Window Constraint |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-613-9-84141-7 |
05 |
Prof. A.B.Majgave |
Smart Service Recommendation System by Applying Map Reduce Technique on Big Data |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-613-9-86919-0 |
06 |
Prof.A.B.Majgave |
A vision based approach for Deep Web Data Extraction |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-3-659-69293-2 |
07 |
Prof. Y. M. Kamble Prof. K. S. Kadam |
A Novel Approach for Data Hiding In Encrypted Image |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN- 978-613-9 87180-3 |
08 |
Prof. A.S.Shelar |
Bees Swarm Optimization for Association Rule Mining on Cuda |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-978-613-9-83633-8 |
09 |
Prof. Mrs.D.M.Kulkarni |
Knowledge extraction from text document using data mining Techniques |
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-978-3-659-86768-2 |
10 |
Prof. V.V.Kheradkar |
Retrieval of aggregate data in Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases |
Published @ Scholar's Press, Omniscriptum Publishing Group, UK ISBN-13: 978-613-8-67893-9 |
- Selection for Master Studies in Abroad
Sr No
| Name of Student | University |
01 |
Mr. Akshay Mali |
MS in Software Engineering at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA. |
02 |
Mr. Raj Dighe |
MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia
03 |
Mr. Pavan Savalani |
MS at Dublin City University, Ireland. |
04 |
Mr. Siddharth Kokalki |
MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia. |
05 |
Mr. Ajay Mali |
MS in Networking at Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand |
06 |
Mr. Rohan Jabade |
MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Year |
01 |
Mr. Prathamesh Vinayak Saraf |
2019-20 |
02 |
Mr. Iklas Ejaj Rahimatpure |
2019-20 |
03 |
Miss. Rutuja Abhay Prabhudesai |
2019-20 |
04 |
Miss. Poonam Jaysingh Magdum |
2018-19 |
05 |
Miss. Ashika Ravindrs Porwal |
2018-19 |
06 |
Miss. Jyoti ShashikumarVarma |
2018-19 |
07 |
Mr. Bhushan Chandrakant Thombare |
2018-19 |
Sr No
| Name of Student | University Rank | Year |
01 |
Mr. Yadav Akash Chaitnya |
1st |
2018-19 |
02 |
Miss. Porwal Ashika Ravindra |
2nd |
2018-19 |
03 |
Miss. Vaishnav Neha Suresh |
3rd |
2018-19 |
04 |
Miss. Varma Jyoti Shashikumar |
8th |
2018-19 |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Event Name | Award |
01 |
Miss. Apoorva Pise |
India's First Snapchat Augmented Reality (AR) 'Lensathon'- an online Hackathon |
3rd Prize |
02 |
Miss Apoorva Pise |
'Facebook Spark AR Program’ offered by The School of Innovation from Facebook for creating an AR effect in Retail Theme for the brand “Chumbak” |
Winner |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Event Name | Award |
01 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Episteme 2K20 Organized by DKTE Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, “EPISTEME”18th January 2020 |
Winner |
02 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Inspira 2K20 Organized by Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakharale “Elocution Speech” 11th January 2020 |
03 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Vivekanand Mahotsav 2020 organized by Vivekanand College, Kolhapur on 30/01/2020 |
04 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
TechnoXian’12 2k20 ‘Walk in Interview’ organized by Dr. J.J.Magadum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur |
Winner |
05 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
TechnoXian’12 2k20 ‘Master of Word (English Debate)’ organized by Dr. J.J.Magadum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur |
Winner |
07 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
TECHNOSIS 2020 ‘Interview Skill’ Organized by Chemical Technology Programme at Department of Technology Shivaji University, Kolhapur
On 20/02/2020 |
Winner |
08 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Innovate 2020’I-Presento’Organized by PVPIT, Budgaon, Sangli on 22/02/2020 |
Winner |
09 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
TECHNOCHEM 2020 ‘Mock Placement’ Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering , D.Y.Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur. On 13 & 14 /02/2020 |
Runner-up |
10 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
X CODE ‘Hassle Talk’ Organized by Department of CSE & IT, Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji |
Runner-up |
11 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Innovate 2020’I-Placemento’Organized by PVPIT, Budgaon, Sangli on 22/02/2020 |
Winner |
12 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Vibrant 2020 ‘Voice of Youth’ Organized by Sanjay Ghodawat University, Atigre on 29th Feb. 2020 |
Winner |
13 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Trailblazer 2020 ‘Face-it’ Organized by (MESA) at RIT Islampur on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 |
Winner |
14 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Technosphere 2K20 ‘Debate’ Organized by RIT Islampur on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 |
Winner |
15 |
Mr. Shubham Ojha |
Innovation2K20 ‘Project Competition’ Organized by Sharad Institute of Technology, Yadrav on 10th March 2020 |
16 |
Miss. Shradha Baldawa |
Innovation2K20 ‘Project Competition’ Organized by Sharad Institute of Technology, Yadrav on 10th March 2020 |
Runner-up |
17 |
Mr. Prathmesh Saraf |
Infotsav 4.0 ‘C-War’ Organized by RIT, Islampur on 3rd March 2020 |
Runner-up |
18 |
Harshmeet Singh |
Infotsav 4.0 ‘C-War’ Organized by RIT, Islampur on 3rd March 2020 |
Runner-up |
19 |
Mr. Avadhut Balaso Yadav, Mr. Koustubhh Shamgonda Patil |
Kho-Kho conducted at COE, Pune |
Winning Position |
20 |
Mr. Koustubhh Shamgonda Patil |
Kho-Kho conducted at COE, Pune |
Best Player Award |
21 |
Miss. Jyoti Varma, Miss. NehaVaishnav, Miss. Ashika Porwal, Mr. Nihit Rathi
Project Exhibition Innovation - 2019 Organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering, Ashta
Winner |
22 |
Miss.Nikita Jadhav, Miss.Bhagyashri Koli, Mr.Rohit Ghorpade, Mr.Ganesh Gogate |
INNOWIZ2019 Project convention KIT COE, Kolhapur
Winner |
23 |
Miss.Nikita Jadhav, Miss.Bhagyashri Koli, Mr.Rohit Ghorpade, Mr.Ganesh Gogate |
Techsymposium-2019 Project Competition DKTE,TEI Ichalkaranji
Winner |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Event Name | Award |
01 |
Mr. Siddarth Kittad |
Vision -2018 |
Winner |
02 |
52 Students |
Certificate for Completion of C |
Training Completed |
03 |
27 Students |
Honour Code Certificate |
Completed |
04 |
Mr. Prathmesh Saraf |
Stanford Online, Machine Learning |
Completed |
05 |
Mr. Rushikesh Desai |
Student Summer Internship Program Organized by COEP, Pune |
Completed |
06 |
45 Students |
Certificate for Completion of Python Training |
Completed |
07 |
Mr. Sahil Makandar |
Understanding Machine Learning with Pyathon
1 hour of learn Computer vision with open CV Library using Python
Introduction to Python & Machine Learning
Introduction to Python for Data Science
Building Machine Learning Models in Python with scikit-learn
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Completed |
08 |
64 students |
Certificate for Completion of Java Training |
Completed |
09 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Time to argue BIMEC-K organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Kolhapur, 27th February to 1st March 2019 |
Winner |
10 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Extempore Vision-19 Organized by Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, January-19 |
Winner |
11 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Oratio Vision-19 Organized by Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, January-19 |
Runner up |
12 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Man Edge – 15 Feb 2019 Organized by Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji |
Winner |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Campus Recruitment Aavahan 2K-19 – 13 & 14 Feb2019 Organized by Dr. J.J.Magdum College of Engineering |
Winner |
14 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Vice of Youth Vibrant 2019 – 25 to 27 February 2019 Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions Atigre |
Winner |
15 |
Miss. Priyanka Sogani |
Mockvita Pioneer 2019 – 27 & 28 January 2019 Organized by College of Engineering, Kolhapur |
Winner |
16 |
Miss. Susmita Udupi, Shivani Kolekar, Saklen Mulla, Mr. Dhiraj Gurav, Mr. Prathiviraj Patil, Mr. Avinash Jadhav
Shart India Hacathon, 2019 – 2 & 3 March 2019 Organized by MHRD |
Qualified for Grand Final |
17 |
Miss. Jyoti Varma, Miss. Neha Vaishnav, Miss. Ashika Porwal, Mr. Nihit Rathi, Mr. Bhushan Thombare |
Project Exhibition Innovation - 2019 Organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering |
Winner |
18 |
Vivek Kumbhar,Mr. Sahil Shaikh, Mr. Sandesh Bhujavadkar, Mr. Prashant Mali, Mr. Pruthviraj Patil, Mr. Kiran Gosavi, Mr. Vasim Mujawar |
Kabbadi – 13 March 2019 Organized by Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji |
Winner |
19 |
Mr. Prathmesh Davande |
Vidhikara (Coding) – 13 & 14 Feb. 2019 in Aavhan 2K19 Organized by Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur |
Runner up |
20 |
Miss. Poonam Magdum |
GATE – 2019 |
Qualified (34.33) |
21 |
Miss. Ashika Porwal |
GATE – 2019 |
Qualified (31.67) |
22 |
Miss. Jyoti Varma |
GATE – 2019 |
Qualified (32.67) |
23 |
Mr. Thombare Bhushan |
GATE – 2019 |
Qualified (29.56) |
24 |
Mr. Dhruv Patel, Mr. Amit Mastake, Mr. Sammed Neje, Mr. Kedar Karpe, Mr. Akshay Sanap |
Certificate of Merit by the KPIT Technologies Limited (KPIT, Sparkle) |
Exclusive top 100 teams, 'Centennial Brigade' All over India |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Event Name | Award |
01 |
Miss. Ritu Alase |
Certificate of Excellence |
Top Ranker 2017 |
02 |
Mr. Dhruv Patel |
Introduction to Machine Learning (12 Week) by NPTEL Online Certification |
Completed |
03 |
Mr. Dhruv Patel |
Data Science for Engineers (8 Week) by NPTEL Online Certification |
Completed |
04 |
Mr. Dhruv Patel |
Open Data Science - Machine Learning and Intelligence by Techfest 2017-18 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay |
Participated |
Sr No
| Name of Student | Event Name | Award |
01 |
Miss. Rutuja Murdande |
Mega Project |
Winner |
02 |
Mr. Shahanawaj Mulla |
Webcasters |
Winner |
03 |
Mr.Nikileen Kamble |
Webcasters |
Winner |
04 |
Mr.Shahanawaj Mulla |
Oracle Workforce Development Program |
Completed |
05 |
Mr.Shahanawaj Mulla |
C’ Maestro |
Runner Up |
06 |
Miss. Alka Sharma |
Certificate of Excellence Top Ranker 2017 |
1st Rank |
07 |
Mr. Shridhar Kolap, Samir Jamadar |
Codetrix (Expert) |
Runner Up |
08 |
Mr. Siddharth Anand Kokalki, Mr. Ritesh Haridas Sontakke,Mr. Pavan Anand Mundada, Mr. Akshay Rajendra Mali |
Paper Publication |
IJECS Paper Publication |
09 |
Miss. Dayma Kirti Giridhar |
Certificate of Excellence Top Ranker 2017 |
First |
10 |
Miss. Ankita Varma |
Fashion Show Vastrotsav17 |
Second |
11 |
Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale |
Project Competition PARIKRAMAA2K17 |
Second |
12 |
Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale |
Project Competition VISION 2K17 |
First |
13 |
Miss.Aishwarya Sakhare |
INNOVATION2K17 Poster Presentation |
Second |
14 |
Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale |
BEIT Project Competition |
First |
15 |
Mr. Druv Patel |
Python, Shell, Docker workshop Quiz in Metamorphosis, 2017 |
Winner of the Shell-Docker workshop quiz conducted by WLUG |
- e-Yantra
- Intel Internet of Things (IoT)
- GPU Education Center
- AI and Deep Learning Center
- Center of Excellence in association with Eduskill Project in
- AWS Cloud
- Redhat
- PaloAlto
- Blueprism
- DevOpp
- DevNet
- FOSSEE Lab IIT, Bombay
- Apple iMac Lab
- CISCO Network
- Business Intelligence Tools from Talent