Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra



Electronics Laboratory

This lab is used for the practicals of Digital Communication.

This lab is equipped with
• Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation kits
• Delta Modulation and Demodulation kits
• Digital format kit
• Error correcting code kit

 1 ACOM II Lab


This lab is used for the practicals of Digital Design and Linear Integrated Circuits. Components available in this lab are Digital Circuit IC’s, op-amp, etc. Major equipment’s in the lab include Experimental Kits, CRO, Function Generator and Power Supply.


2 DD Lab


This lab is mainly used for the practicals of Software simulation based subjects such as Computer Network, Circuit Simulation, Scilab etc. This Lab contains computer systems installed with different software’s.


3 Computational Lab

This lab is mainly used for practical on Microprocessor kit.
This lab is equipped with
• 8085 trainer kits
• Interfacing kits
• Interfacing Cards
• Universal Programmer


4 Microprocessor Lab


This Lab is mainly used for practicals of power Electronics experiments such as Controlled Rectifiers, Firing Circuits, etc.

This lab is equipped with
• SCR Rectifiers
• AC Power control, Flasher, Alarm
• Bridge FWFCC, Central tap FWFCC
• All types of FWHCC
• Series, Parallel, Bridge Inverters
• DC Chopper
• 3 Phase Semi converter
• 1 phase cyclo converter
• 3 Phase Induction motor speed controller


5 Power Lab

This lab caters to the needs of hardware and software related co-design issues of third and final year students. This lab is equipped with 89c51RD2 microcontroller trainer kits, Digital Storage Oscilloscope PC based logic Analyzer, Universal Programmer and In-circuit Emulator.


6 Embedded System Lab

This lab is equipped with Computer systems installed with different software such as Scilab, Orcad 10.5, PCB making software, Pspice simulation etc.

7 Software Lab

This lab contains FPGA boards of ATLYS and ANVYL. This lab is equipped Computer set installed with different software’s such Scilab, Keil, Xillink etc.


8 Research Lab

This lab caters to basic Electronics practicals namely Electronics Devices & Circuit, Digital System & Electronic Circuit Design. Major equipments in the lab include Experimental Kits, CRO, Function Generator & Power Supply.


9 Basic Electronics Lab


This Lab is mainly used for practicals of Analog Communication subject such as AM, FM etc. This lab is equipped with trainer kits of AM, FM, DSB, SSB, Sampling, Pulse Modulation etc.

10 Basic Communication Lab

This lab is mainly used for practicals of Digital system design and VLSI subjects. This lab is equipped with computer set installed Xilinx software and Xilinx Boards.



This lab is equipped with Computer sets installed with simulating software’s such as Scilab, Orcad 10.5, PCB making software, Pspice simulation etc.


13 Simulation Lab

This lab is used for the practicals of "Real Time Embedded System Design", "Mobile Application", "Embedded OS and device driver" and "Deep Learning". 

