Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra



I. Education Centre for Knitting Technology

This is a joint venture of GTZ (German Assistance for Technical co-operation) Germany, M/S Mayer & CIE Germany, M/S Batliboi Ltd, Mumbai and Textile & Engineering Institute. The GTZ Germany had setup this project to impart hands on training on circular knitting technology.

Lab1 01

Knitting Room

Lab2 01

Instruction Room


II. Rieter Test & Training Center

Rieter India Pvt. Ltd. has set up test & training center for spinning technology at DKTE for conducting different trials, product ds.evelopment & training activities

Lab3 01

III Italian Technology Training Centre

This center is setup by association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) for providing training to the industry person, faculty & students. Facilities of center are also utilized for conducting Research & Development activities.

Lab4 01