First Year Click here
Second Year Click here
Third Year Click here
Final Year Click here


  • Internet of Things (Hons.)
Structure and Syllabus Click here
Allotted Student List 2020-2021 Click here



  • MDM
Digital Systems and Engineering Click here


  • The department is accredited by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi .
  • Permanent Affiliation from Shivaji University, Kolhapur
  • TCS Accreditation for Campus Placements
  • AICTE has funded 4.5 Lakhs under MODROB and 3.5 Lakhs for STTP conduction
  • AICTE has funded 1Lakhs and DRDO has funded 0.4 Lakhs for a National Conference conduction on “Recent trends on emerging trends in Electronics And Communications”
  • Highly qualified & senior faculty members.
  • State –of-art computing facility with 24*7 Wi-Fi Internet.
  • Highest placement in reputed core and IT industries among all colleges in Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  • 12 students have figured in Shivaji University merit list including a gold medal.
  • Extra coaching for company specific pre-placement trainings and for GATE, GRE Exams.
  • NPTEL study center for Google –NPTEL certification.
  • IETE and ISTE student’s chapters for student’s centric activities.
  • Extra coaching on soft skill and guidance for admission to foreign universities for higher studies will be provided.
  • As on today more than 200 students are working in reputed industries in India and outside.
  • MOU with reputed software & core industries like Texas Instruments, Bangalore.
  • Under industry MOU , Bangalore has donated 20 MSP430 microcontroller trainer kits and 12 analog electronics trainer kits.
  • 25 Users license copies of PCB designing software under MOD ROB designing scheme & AICTE.
  • Every year meritorious students of our department grab the prizes in project, paper presentation competition.
  • Every year department organizes fundamental programs like fundamax for freshers.
  • Remarkable Achievements 
    • One faculty member has completed his Ph.D. And six faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.


Board of Studies

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil,

BOS Member, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Lead College Coordinator

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil,

Lead College Co-ordinator, Shivaji University, Kolhapur during 2013-2016

PhD Referee

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – SU, Kolhapur

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – VTU, Belgaum

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – JJTU, Rajasthan

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil– Pacific University, Rajasthan

Faculty On Board Of Examination Of Other Universities

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – VTU, Belgaum

Editorial Board Member

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – JEE, Bio-Info Publications

Prof. (Mrs.)A. D. Kadage- IJEMRT

Prof. S. R. Prasad – IJBCC

Prof. A. R. Telepatil –ESN Publication

TMH Book Review Committee Member

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil

Prof. Mrs. A. D. Kadge

Adjunct Faculty, DAB Member

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil – PVPIT, Budhgaon, ADCET, Ashta, Dr. JJM, COE, Jaysingpur


  • Year: 2015-2016

Name of faculty


Name of the Journal

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil

OBE module for placement of undergraduate program students

Journal of Engg. Education Transformations, ISSN: 2349-2473, eISSN: 2394-1707, V ol. 29, No. 3, pp. 49 - 54, Jan 2016.

Prof. Mrs. A. D. Kadage

OBE module for placement of undergraduate program students

Journal of Engg. Education Transformations, ISSN: 2349-2473, eISSN: 2394-1707, V ol. 29, No. 3, pp. 49 - 54, Jan 2016.

Automatic Sewage disposal system for trains

International Journal of Emerging research in management and technology , Vol. 5, Issue: 5, PP. 87-90, ISSN:2278-9359, Impact factor: 1.49, May 2016

Inventory control and theft detection in Mall using RFID

International Journal of Emerging research in management and technology , Vol. 5, Issue: 5, PP. 87-90, ISSN:2278-9359, Impact factor: 1.49, May 2016

Prof. S. R. Prasad

Innovative methods of teaching & learning electronics engineering

Journal of Engg. Education Transformations, ISSN: 2349-2473, eISSN: 2394-1707, V ol. 29, No. 3

Implementation of LMS algorithm for system identification

Int. Conf. on Signal and Information Processing, ICONSIP-2016

Prof. V. B. Sutar

Prof. P. C. Dhanawade

Prof. A. R. Telepatil

Prof. V. M Davande

Online Monitoring and Controlling of Transformer Parameters Using Wireless System

International Journal For Research & Development in Technology (IJRDT),

Volume-4, Issue-6, ISSN(O):2349-3585,December 2015.

Real Time Temperature Monitoring Using LABVIEW and Arduino

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJRCCE), Vol. 4, Issue 3, March 2016.

Prof. P. S. Terwadkar, Prof. A. N. Hambar

Backpropagation Algorithm

Programming Model for Artificial Neural Network


International Journal of Research in

Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482, Impact Factor: 6.301, V olume 6, Issue 10, page no. 12-16,

October 2016


  • Year: 2016-2017

Name of faculty


Name of the Journal

Prof. (Dr.) S. A. Patil

Greenhouse Parameters

Monitoring and Controlling System Using Arduino and Android

International Journal on

Recent and Innovation T rends in Computing and

Communication, ISSN: 2321-8169, V olume: 5

Issue: 3, 321 – 326, March 2017.

Prof. S. R. Prasad

Acoustic Echo Cancellation

Using LMS Algorithm

International Journal of

Broadband and Cellular Communication IJBCC,

vol.2 Issue.2 Page 8-21 (eISSN:2455-8532),


Prof. V. B. Sutar

Fabrication of Low Frequency Patch Antenna With Adhesive Copper Tape

International Journal of Research

Publication in Engineering & Technology V ol.3,

Issue 3, March 2017.

Solar Powered Online Transmission Line Monitoring Using Wireless

Embedded System

Intellectual Property India,

Journal No. 5/ 2017, 0975- 1076/ 0971- 7544,

March 2017.

Prof. P. C. Dhanawade

Fabrication of Low Frequency Patch Antenna With Adhesive Copper Tape

International Journal of Research

Publication in Engineering & Technology V ol.3,

Issue 3, March 2017.

Real Time Temperature

Monitoring Using LABVIEW and Arduino


International Journal of Innovative Research in

Computer and Communicati on Engineering(IJRCCE), V ol. 4, Issue 3, March 2016

Prof. A. R. Telepatil

Prof. P. S. Terwadkar, Prof. A. N. Hambar

Home Automation with

MATLAB and Arduino Interface

International Journal of Innovation Research

Computer and Communicat ion Engineering

(IJIRCCE) with ISSN(O) : 2320-9801 ISSN(P) :

2320-9798 V ol. No. 5 Issue No. 3

Prof. V. M Davande

Fabrication of Low Frequency Patch Antenna With Adhesive Copper Tape

International Journal of Research

Publication in Engineering & Technology V ol.3,

Issue 3, March 2017.

Prof. P. S. Terwadkar,

Greenhouse Parameters

Monitor ing and Controlli ng Sys tem Using Arduino and Android

International Journal on

Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and

Communication, ISSN: 2321-8169, Volume: 5

Issue: 3, 321 – 326, March 2017


  • Year: 2017-2018

Name of faculty


Name of the Journal

P r o f. (Dr.) S. A. P a t i l

Automatic Detection of Optic Disc using Structural Learning

 International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, , Vol. 7, Issue 5, May 2018.

A review on bidimensional empirical mode decomposition: A novel strategy image decomposition

IEEE Xplore digital library on 21st June 2018.

Prof. A. R. Telepatil

Real Time Water Heater Automation and Performance Monitoring Using Embedded System

International Journal of Recent Innovation in Engineering & Research, Vol.02,Issue-10, 2018.


  • Year: 2018-2019

Name of faculty


Name of the Journal

P r o f. (Dr.) S. A. Patil

"Implementation of AODV routing protocol of wireless sensor network in agriculture"


 IEEE Xplore Digital Library having ISBN: 978-1-5386-3570-4 during June 2018.

Testing & implementation of different wireless sensor network algorithms in agriculture area

Int. Journal IJET which is Scopus Indexed Journal with Vol. 7, No. 4.20, pp 1-3, during August 2018 

Automatic Detection of Optic Disc using Structural.


Learning  International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 5, May 2018

A review on bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition: A novel strategy image decomposition


IEEE Xplore digital library on 21st June 2018.

Prof. S. R. Prasad

Novel architecture for active noise cancellation system using least mean square algorithm

International Journal of Electronics Engineering issue no.1 (2019).

Prof. V. B. Sutar

Structural inspection and treatment using unmanned aerial vehicle and digital image processing


Journal of Intellectual Property of India, Application No. 201821025229, 10th August 2018.

Prof.  A. R. Telepatil

Real Time Water Heater Automation and Performance Monitoring Using Embedded System

International Journal of Recent Innovation in Engineering & Research, Vol.02,Issue-10, 2018.


Sr No




Prof. (Dr .) S. A. Patil has published books entitled


1 “Bloom Diameter and Count Measurement using Image Processing Approach”

2 “ Radio over Fiber Technology for Wireless Communication: An Approach for Designing Simple Low Cost Cellular Base Station”

3. “Driver Assistance System Using Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”

4. “Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Network Using NS-2”

5. ANN Base Lung Cancer Classification Using Chest Radiography


Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

ISBN No: 978-3-659-97831-9.

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00827-4

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00665-2.

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00570-9.

ISBN No: 978-3-659-97831-9


Prof. S. R. Prasad has published book entitled “Radio over Fiber Technology for Wireless Communication: An Approach for Designing Simple Low Cost Cellular Base Station”

Published @ Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00827-4


Prof. V. B. Sutar has published book entitled

  1. 1. “Driver Assistance System Using Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”

  2. 2. “Earthquake Response ofIsolated Elevated LiquidStorage Steel Tank”

Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00665-2.



ISBN-10: 6202199989

EAN: 9786202199988


Prof. P. C. Dhanawade has published book entitled

“Design and Optimization of Microstrip Antenna by ANN


Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany,

ISBN No: 978-3-659-96564-7


Prof. A. R. Telepatil has published book entitled “Bloom Diameter and Count Measurement using Image Processing Approach”

Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany

ISBN No: 978-3-659-97831-9.


Prof. V. M. Davande has published book entitled. “Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Network Using NS-2”


Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00570-9.


Prof. Mrs. S. B. Karole has published book entitled “Boundary Detection in Medical Images”

Published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

ISBN No: 978-3-330-00944-8


Prof. Chetan C. Dakave, has published book entitled "Angular variation methodology for landslide measurements based on PSoC", Published by Scholar's Press, Omniscriptum Publishing Group, UK,

ISBN-13: 978-613-8-68071-0.




Title of the Patent

Name of Applicant

Application Number

Date of Filing


Solar Powered Online Transmission Line Monitoring Using Wireless Embedded System

Prof. V. B. Sutar




Structural Inspection and Treatment Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and DIP

Prof. V. B. Sutar




Smart Safety Stick to Repel Reptiles

Dr. S. A. Patil




  • 2015-16:

Name of Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Mr. A. R. Telepatil

Introduction to Arduino Programming using LABVIEW & MATLAB

25th May to

28th May 2016


Mr. V. M. Davande

Introduction to Arduino Programming using LABVIEW &MATLAB

25th May to

28th May 2016


Mr. A. N. Hambar

Conducted Technical session on Artificial Neural Network (Introduction and Implementation in MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox)

18th April 2016


Mr. P. S. Terwadkar

Conducted Technical session on Artificial Neural Network (Introduction and Implementation in MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox)

18th April 2016


  • 2016-17:

Name of Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Prof. P . C. Dhanawade

delivered an expert lecture

on “Antenna Theory


3rd March 2017

Yashwantrao Chavan

Polytechnic Ichalkaranji

Prof. Dr. S. A. Patil

Delivered talk on Design and development of

LABVIEW applications using Arduino platform


10th Feb 2017


Mane Engg. College, Vathar .

Prof.A. R. Telepatil

workshop on Introduction to

Embedded C Programming

15th March 2017



  • 2017-18:

Name of Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Prof. Mrs. A. D. Kadage

Expert lecture on “flipflops, counters and shift registers”

18th February & 26th February 2018.

third year diploma students at Y.C. Polytechnic, Ichalakaranji

Expert lecture on NBA need and awareness

2ndFebruary 2018.

second, third and final year students of DKTE TEI

Prof. P. C. Dhanawade

Expert lecture on “Analog Circuits”

6th Oct. 2017

Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon

Prof. A. R. Telepatil

Expert lecture on “Matlab”

6th Oct. 2017

Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon


  • 2018-19:


Name of Faculty

Workshop/Lecture Topic



Prof. Mrs. A. D. Kadage

Prof. S. R. Prasad

Prof. P. S. Terwadkar

Sessions conduction in 3 days workshop on “Fundacom”

28th to 30th June 2018.

Third year B. Tech class DKTE TEI

Prof. P. C. Dhanawade

Expert lecture on “Analog Circuits”

6th Oct. 2017

Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon

Prof. A. R. Telepatil

Expert lecture on “Matlab”

6th Oct. 2017

Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon




 Sr. No

Students Name



Date &Organizer




Miss.Shradha Sanjay Patil

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Miss.Rohini Admapure

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Miss.Naziya Makandar

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Mr.Ajay D Shah

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav

First Prize


Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



1st & 2nd March 2019,Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engg.,Jayasingpur

First Prize


Mr.Pratik Sutar

T. Y.

B. Tech


1st & 2nd March 2019,Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engg.,Jayasingpur



28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Mr.Attar Muhammad Saqeeb J

T. Y.

B. Tech


6th Oct.2018,DKTE Textile & Engg.Institute,Ichalkaranji



23th & 24th Feb.2019,Government Engg.College,Karad

First Prize


Miss.Anuradha Parvate

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



16th Feb.2019, DKTE Textile & Engg.Institute,Ichalkaranji



Miss.Kajal Patil

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Miss.Arati Manoj Phadatare

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Miss.Richa C Palankar

T. Y.

B. Tech


28th February2019,Sharad Institute of Tech.College of Engg,Yadrav



Miss.Divya D Samai

T. Y.

B. Tech


Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Walchand College of Engg.Sangli



Muddassar Ismail Attar



23th & 24th Feb.2019,Government Engg.College,Karad

First Prize



 Sr. No

Students Name



Date &Organizer




Mr. Attar Mohammad Saqeeb Javed Akhtar

S. Y.

B. Tech

Reflex2k17-Circuit Maker

25th Sept. 2017, Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vadgaon

Second Prize


Miss. Ashwini R. Ghatte,

Miss. Snehal R.Powar,

Miss. Pooja C.Bhasme


Avishkar 2017-18

28th December 2017, Dr. J. J. Magdum COE, Jaysingpur on



Miss. Ashwini R. Ghatte,

Miss. Snehal R. Powar,

Miss. Pooja C. Bhasme



23rd February 2018 at Adarsh Group of Institutions, Vita.

Winner Prize


Miss. Ashwini R. Ghatte,

Miss. Snehal R.Powar,

Miss. Pooja C. Bhasme


Girls Project Competition

8thMarch 2018 at Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Islampur.

Second Prize


Mr. Nawajsharif Yusuf Shaikh

Mr. Vikram Vilas Kamble

Mr. Sachin Raju Patil

Mr. Tushar Rajendra Malave


Avishkar 2017-18

28th December 2017, Dr. J. J. Magdum COE, Jaysingpur on



Miss. Sonali Dingane,

Miss. Sumitra Hulle,

Miss. Yogita Chougule



3rd March 2018 at D.Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kasaba Bavda, Kolhapur.

Winner Prize


Mr. Saqeeb J. Attar

Mr. Ajay D. Shah

S. Y.

B. Tech


12thMarch 2018 at Ashokrao Mane Group Of Institutions, Vathar tarf vadgaon, Hatkanangale, Kolhapur.

Second Prize


Mr. Nawajsharif Shaikh,

Mr. Vikram V. Kamble

Mr. Sachin R. Patil


PROZEAL (Project Competition) under “NAVAPRAVARTYA-2K18”

17th March 2018 at Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon, Gadhinglaj

Winner Prize


Ms. Krutika D. Gavade Ms. Anuprita A. Kulkarni Mr. Digvijay D. Navale


Innovation 2k18

10th March 2018 at ADCET, Ashta

Runner-up Prize




 Sr. No

Students Name



Date &Organizer




Mr. ShaileshTodkar

Mr. Ajinkya Mali

Ms. Kishori Patil

B.E. E.T.C.


Project Competition

17th February 2017,

DKTE,TEI, Ichalkaranji

First Prize

AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017, Dr. JJM,COE,Jaysingpur


VISION17 - a Project Competition

10th and 11th March 2017, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli


Best Project & Model in academic year 2015-16

13thMarch 2017, D.K.T.E.,Ichalkaranji

First Prize


Mr. GauravGhodake

Mr. Om Nale

Ms. SuvarnaKhade



Jidnyasa17 - Project Competition

4th March 2017, (TKIET), Warnanagar

Second Prize

e-VISION 2K17- Project Competition

10th March 2017,

Ashokrao Mane Group Of Institution, Vathar


Discovery 2K17

2nd March 2017,ADCET, Ashta


Best Project & Model in academic year 2016-17

13thMarch 2017, D.K.T.E.,Ichalkaranji

First Prize


Mr. OmkarKumbhar 

Miss. Pranali Mali



Spirit2k17- Research & Development of project Competition

5th March 2017 at College of Engineering, 



Spirit2k17- Paper Presentation

Runner up

Best Paper publication in academic year 2016-17

13thMarch 2017, D.K.T.E.,Ichalkaranji

First Prize


Mr. OmkarMagdum

Mr. SatishMisal

Miss. SayaliLokhande



AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017, Dr. JJM, COE,Jaysingpur



Miss. AishwaryaKoli

Mr. Rahul Jamdar

Mr. Deepak Khandelwal



AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017, Dr. JJM, COE,Jaysingpur



Miss. Monika Patil

Miss. SnehalataKanire

Miss. Neelam Vade



ENVision 2017

4th March 2017, Dr. JJM COE,Jaysingpur



Mr. Mayuresh Patil

Mr. VrushabhMurgunde



AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017,

Dr. JJM, COE,Jaysingpur



Miss. PriyankaDongare

Miss. Ekande Prerna

Miss. Bhakti Nikam

B.E. E.T.C.


Project Competition

17th February 2017,

DKTE, TEI, Ichalkaranji



Mr. Vishnu Gavade

Mr. Ashish Bhurale

Mr. Aditya Bhardwaj



AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017,

Dr. JJM, COE,Jaysingpur



Miss. RinaBhiradkar

Miss. Shalaka Patil

Miss. NiveditaRatnakar



AYUDH’ 17-Project Competition

20th March 2017,

Dr. JJM, COE,Jaysingpur



Project Competition

17th February 2017,

DKTE, TEI, Ichalkaranji










  • NBA Accrediated Department
  • Permanent Affiliation from Shivaji University, Kolhapur
  • Department has Industry Sponsored Labs, IoT from Intel USA, e-Yantra Robotic Laboratory from IIT Bombay and NVIDIA GPU Education Center from NVIDIA
  • Total six workshops of 15 days has been arranged though “Remote Centre” under e-Outreach project of IIT, Bombay, MHRD, Government of India.
  • TCS Accreditation for Campus Placements
  • Total 09 MoUs with core software Industries
  • Total 09 faculties registered for Ph. D. 

The Department has organized a workshop on "Outcome-based Curriculum and Design and Evaluation" on Monday, 10th July 2023.  

OE Workshop

Computer Science and Engineering Department organized One Week Online Faculty Development Program on ‘Python 3.4.3’ from 4th to 8th May 2020 in association with “Spoken Tutorial Project”, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Spoken Tutorial is an initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India, to promote IT literacy through open source Software. 60 Faculties from various engineering colleges participated in this FDP through online mode.

Python FDP 2K20


Department organised three days hands-on workshop on “Effective Teaching” under IUCEE from 12th to 14th February, 2020. Prof.Claire Komives from ‘San Jose State University’, USA conducted this workshop. Total 21 faculty members from various departments attended this workshop.

IUCEE workshop2020


FDP on Cyber Security was organized from 9th to 14th December 2019 under PMMMNMTT of MHRD by Shivaji University, Kolhapur and hosted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of DKTE. Total 55 faculties from various colleges of different streams were participated in workshop.

Cyber security workshop 2k2020.

Our Department organized one day AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on "Awareness about High Performance Computing" in association with C-DAC Pune under National Supercomputing Mission of Govt. of India, on 8th February 2020 for faculty from engineering colleges under Shivaji University Kolhapur. The objective of this workshop was to train the faculty on Scientific Computing using High Performance Architectures. Around 50 faculty members from our institute and other Engineering colleges under Shivaji University attended the workshop.

HPC awareness programm 2k2020.

Nidhi R inani Final Compressed

Uday B Desai Compressed


Dr R Natarajan 5 11 2020 Final Compressed


Natural Language Processing

Revitalizing CS education through competencies

Machine Learning using Tensorflow

Industry webinars advanced technologies in computer

Green Computing

  • Remarkable Achievements  
Name of FacultyAchievement
Prof. S. D. Rane

Devnet Associate Instructor Training 

SDR devnet

Prof. V. V. Kheradkar

Blue Prism Associate Developer Educator Certification

vvk blue prism

Prof. S. R. Patil

Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Red Hat certificate Badge

Prof. V. G. Khetade

Devnet Associate Instructor Training 

VGK Devnet

Prof. S. D. Rane Completed Educator Training Certificate for successfully completing Devnet Associate Instructor Training in association with Eduskills and Cisco Networking Academy 
Prof. S. C. Sagare Completed Educator Training Certificate for successfully completing Cyber Devops Associate Instructor Training in association with Eduskills and Cisco Networking Academy 
Prof. P. M. Gavali Completed Cybersecurity Foundation, Gateway & Essentials Train the Trainee course in association with Eduskills and PaloAlto Networks Cyber Security Academy.
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade Participated in curriculum development Faculty development program on Parallel and Distributed Computing
held at Tennessee Technological University , Cookeville, Tennessee, United States, from 24 -28 July 2018. His air travel and staying was supported by Intel and NSF USA.
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade  Invited as keynote speaker on Knowledge Based Computer Systems and Its Applications to Engineering Sector in 4th Annual World Congress on Emerging Trends in Information Technology "InfoTech 2015" held at Shenzhen, China. April 18-22, 2015
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade Participated and explained Foundation Program Activities of Infosys Campus Connect Program at co-ordinator meet held at Infosys Pune
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade Worked as a member of panel in the Panel Discussions at ‘E-yantra National Symposium’ held at IIT Bombay
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade Received prestigious "50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders Award" from World Education Congress
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade Attended 13th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals organised by Shenzhen Govt., China
Prof. (Dr.) D. V. Kodavade
Attended as a resource person  iPDC one week  workshop on Curriculum Design on Parallel and Distributed Computing 
held at Tennessee Technological University,USA, July 2018.  The workshop was supported by National Science Foundation,USA

Sr No

Name of FacultyTitle of BookISBN Number
 01 Prof. Mrs.S.S.Darbastwar  TCP-DCR: A Protocl for Tolerating Wireless Channel Errors LAP Lambert publication
ISBN- 978-613-9-87091-2

Prof. K. S. Kadam

Prof.Y. M.  Kamble

Duplicate Code Detection and Extraction LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-613-9-86485-0
03 Prof. S.K.Patil Data Protection Through Purpose & Role Based Access Control in RDBMS LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-613-9-91499-9
04 Prof. S.C. Sagare Mining Sequential Rules by Applying Sliding Window Constraint LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-613-9-84141-7 
05 Prof. A.B.Majgave Smart Service Recommendation System by Applying Map Reduce Technique on Big Data LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-613-9-86919-0 
06 Prof.A.B.Majgave A vision based approach for Deep Web Data Extraction LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-3-659-69293-2 
07 Prof. Y. M. Kamble
Prof. K. S. Kadam
A Novel Approach for Data Hiding In Encrypted Image LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN- 978-613-9 87180-3 
08 Prof. A.S.Shelar Bees Swarm Optimization for Association Rule Mining on Cuda LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
09 Prof. Mrs.D.M.Kulkarni Knowledge extraction from text document using data mining Techniques LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
10 Prof. V.V.Kheradkar Retrieval of aggregate data in Uncertain and Probabilistic
Published @ Scholar's Press, Omniscriptum Publishing Group, UK
ISBN-13: 978-613-8-67893-9
  • Selection for Master Studies in Abroad 

Sr No

Name of StudentUniversity
01 Mr. Akshay Mali MS in Software Engineering at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA.
02 Mr. Raj Dighe

MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia

03 Mr. Pavan Savalani MS at Dublin City University, Ireland.
04 Mr. Siddharth Kokalki MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia.
05 Mr. Ajay Mali MS in Networking at Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
06 Mr. Rohan Jabade MS in Data Analytics at RMIT University, Australia


  • GATE Qualified Students

Sr No

Name of StudentYear 
01 Mr. Prathamesh Vinayak Saraf 2019-20
02 Mr. Iklas Ejaj Rahimatpure 2019-20
03 Miss. Rutuja Abhay Prabhudesai 2019-20
04 Miss. Poonam Jaysingh Magdum 2018-19
05 Miss. Ashika Ravindrs Porwal 2018-19
06 Miss. Jyoti ShashikumarVarma 2018-19
07 Mr. Bhushan Chandrakant Thombare 2018-19


  • University Rankers

Sr No

Name of StudentUniversity RankYear
01 Mr. Yadav Akash Chaitnya 1st 2018-19
02 Miss. Porwal Ashika Ravindra 2nd 2018-19
03 Miss. Vaishnav Neha Suresh 3rd 2018-19
04 Miss. Varma Jyoti Shashikumar 8th 2018-19
  • Academic Year 2022-23

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01 Satyam Pol Enigma event of ELECTROVERT, Walchand College Sangli Winner
02 Purva Patil NEXUS Coding Event, IEEE Student Chapter DKTE Ichalkaranji Winner
03 Tejas Sonawane Kho-Kho (Men) Shivaji University,Kolhapur Lead College Winner
04 Tejas Sonawane Kho-Kho in ZEST’23 COEP, Pune Winner
05 Snehal Barad Training on IPR Intellectual property Office ,India Participated
06 TY CSE Python Course Data camp Completed
07 TY CSE Java , Python & PHP-MySql Completed
  • Academic Year 2021-22

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
 01 Sadhana Agasagi
Akanksha Burle
Sourabh Dhavale
Shubham Joshi
 Basic Programming using Python IITBombayX, an online learning Initiative of IITBombay  Honour Code Certificate
02 Arpita Bargale
Shrishail Bhagat
Payal Chougule
Basic Programming using Python IITBombayX, an online learning Initiative of IITBombay Honour Code Certificate
03 Prajwal Patil AWS Cloud Practitioner Global Certification AWS Academy Completed
04 Sneha Koli AWS Cloud Practitioner Global Certification AWS Academy Completed
05 Purva Patil
Ayushi Baldi
Tech Symposium 2022 Coding Competition DKTE,TEI Winner


  • Academic Year 2020-21

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01 Miss. Apoorva Pise India's First Snapchat Augmented Reality (AR) 'Lensathon'- an online Hackathon 3rd Prize
02 Miss Apoorva Pise 'Facebook Spark AR Program’ offered by The School of Innovation from Facebook for creating an AR effect in Retail Theme for the brand “Chumbak” Winner


  • Academic Year 2019-20

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Episteme 2K20 Organized by DKTE Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji,  “EPISTEME”18th January 2020  Winner
02 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Inspira 2K20 Organized by Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakharale “Elocution Speech” 11th January 2020


03 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Vivekanand Mahotsav 2020 organized by Vivekanand College, Kolhapur on 30/01/2020


04 Miss. Priyanka Sogani TechnoXian’12  2k20 ‘Walk in Interview’ organized by Dr. J.J.Magadum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur Winner
05 Miss. Priyanka Sogani TechnoXian’12  2k20 ‘Master of Word (English Debate)’ organized by Dr. J.J.Magadum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur Winner
07 Miss. Priyanka Sogani

TECHNOSIS 2020  ‘Interview Skill’ Organized by Chemical Technology Programme at Department of Technology Shivaji University, Kolhapur

On 20/02/2020
08 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Innovate 2020’I-Presento’Organized by PVPIT, Budgaon, Sangli on 22/02/2020 Winner
09 Miss. Priyanka Sogani TECHNOCHEM 2020 ‘Mock Placement’ Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering , D.Y.Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur. On 13 & 14 /02/2020 Runner-up
10 Miss. Priyanka Sogani X CODE ‘Hassle Talk’ Organized by Department of CSE & IT, Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji Runner-up
11 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Innovate 2020’I-Placemento’Organized by PVPIT, Budgaon, Sangli on 22/02/2020 Winner
12 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Vibrant 2020 ‘Voice of Youth’ Organized by Sanjay Ghodawat University, Atigre on 29th Feb. 2020 Winner
13 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Trailblazer 2020 ‘Face-it’ Organized by (MESA) at RIT Islampur on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 Winner
14 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Technosphere 2K20 ‘Debate’ Organized by  RIT Islampur on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 Winner
15 Mr. Shubham Ojha Innovation2K20 ‘Project Competition’ Organized by Sharad Institute of Technology, Yadrav on 10th March 2020


16 Miss. Shradha Baldawa Innovation2K20 ‘Project Competition’ Organized by Sharad Institute of Technology, Yadrav on 10th March 2020 Runner-up
17 Mr. Prathmesh Saraf Infotsav 4.0  ‘C-War’ Organized by RIT, Islampur on 3rd March 2020 Runner-up
18 Harshmeet Singh Infotsav 4.0  ‘C-War’ Organized by RIT, Islampur on 3rd March 2020 Runner-up
19 Mr. Avadhut Balaso Yadav, Mr. Koustubhh Shamgonda Patil Kho-Kho conducted at COE, Pune Winning Position
20 Mr. Koustubhh Shamgonda Patil Kho-Kho conducted at COE, Pune Best Player Award

Miss. Jyoti Varma, Miss. NehaVaishnav, Miss. Ashika Porwal, Mr. Nihit Rathi

Project Exhibition Innovation - 2019 Organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering, Ashta

22 Miss.Nikita Jadhav, Miss.Bhagyashri Koli, Mr.Rohit Ghorpade, Mr.Ganesh Gogate

INNOWIZ2019   Project convention KIT COE, Kolhapur

23 Miss.Nikita Jadhav, Miss.Bhagyashri Koli, Mr.Rohit Ghorpade, Mr.Ganesh Gogate

Techsymposium-2019 Project Competition DKTE,TEI Ichalkaranji



  • Academic Year 2018-19

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01  Mr. Siddarth Kittad   Vision -2018   Winner
02 52 Students Certificate for Completion of C Training Completed
03 27 Students Honour Code Certificate Completed
04 Mr. Prathmesh Saraf Stanford Online, Machine Learning Completed 
05 Mr. Rushikesh Desai  Student Summer Internship Program Organized by COEP, Pune   Completed
06 45 Students  Certificate for Completion of Python Training  Completed 
07 Mr. Sahil Makandar

Understanding Machine Learning with Pyathon

1 hour of learn Computer vision with open CV Library using Python 

Introduction to Python & Machine Learning

Introduction to Python for Data Science 

 Building Machine Learning Models in Python with scikit-learn 

Neural Networks and Deep Learning 

Machine Learning

08 64 students  Certificate for Completion of Java Training Completed
09 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Time to argue BIMEC-K organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management,
Kolhapur, 27th February to 1st March 2019 
10 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Extempore Vision-19 Organized by Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, January-19 Winner
11 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Oratio Vision-19 Organized by Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, January-19   Runner up
12 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Man Edge – 15 Feb 2019 Organized by Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji  Winner


Miss. Priyanka Sogani Campus Recruitment Aavahan 2K-19 – 13 & 14 Feb2019 Organized by Dr. J.J.Magdum College of Engineering  Winner
14 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Vice of Youth Vibrant 2019 – 25 to 27 February 2019 Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions Atigre Winner
15 Miss. Priyanka Sogani Mockvita Pioneer 2019 – 27 & 28 January 2019 Organized by College of Engineering, Kolhapur  Winner

Miss. Susmita Udupi, Shivani Kolekar, Saklen Mulla, Mr. Dhiraj Gurav, Mr. Prathiviraj Patil, Mr. Avinash Jadhav

Shart India Hacathon, 2019 – 2 & 3 March 2019 Organized by MHRD Qualified for Grand Final
17 Miss. Jyoti Varma, Miss. Neha Vaishnav, Miss. Ashika Porwal, Mr. Nihit Rathi, Mr. Bhushan Thombare Project Exhibition Innovation - 2019 Organized by Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering Winner
18 Vivek Kumbhar,Mr. Sahil Shaikh, Mr. Sandesh Bhujavadkar, Mr. Prashant Mali, Mr. Pruthviraj Patil, Mr. Kiran Gosavi, Mr. Vasim Mujawar Kabbadi – 13 March 2019 Organized by Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji Winner
19 Mr. Prathmesh Davande Vidhikara (Coding) – 13 & 14 Feb. 2019  in Aavhan 2K19 Organized by Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur Runner up
20 Miss. Poonam Magdum GATE – 2019 Qualified (34.33) 
21 Miss. Ashika Porwal  GATE – 2019 Qualified (31.67)
22 Miss. Jyoti Varma  GATE – 2019 Qualified (32.67)
23 Mr. Thombare Bhushan GATE – 2019 Qualified (29.56)
24 Mr. Dhruv Patel, Mr. Amit Mastake, Mr. Sammed Neje, Mr. Kedar Karpe, Mr. Akshay Sanap Certificate of Merit by the KPIT Technologies Limited (KPIT, Sparkle) Exclusive top 100 teams, 'Centennial Brigade' All over India 


  • Academic Year 2017-18

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01 Miss. Ritu Alase Certificate of Excellence  Top Ranker 2017 
02 Mr. Dhruv Patel Introduction to Machine Learning (12 Week) by NPTEL Online Certification Completed
03 Mr. Dhruv Patel Data Science for Engineers (8 Week) by NPTEL Online Certification Completed
04 Mr. Dhruv Patel Open Data Science - Machine Learning and Intelligence by Techfest 2017-18 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Participated


  • Academic Year 2016-17

Sr No

Name of StudentEvent NameAward
01  Miss. Rutuja Murdande  Mega Project  Winner
02 Mr. Shahanawaj Mulla Webcasters Winner
03 Mr.Nikileen Kamble Webcasters Winner
04 Mr.Shahanawaj Mulla Oracle Workforce Development Program Completed
05 Mr.Shahanawaj Mulla C’ Maestro Runner Up
06 Miss. Alka Sharma   Certificate of Excellence Top Ranker 2017 1st Rank
07 Mr. Shridhar Kolap, Samir Jamadar Codetrix (Expert) Runner Up
08 Mr. Siddharth Anand Kokalki, Mr. Ritesh Haridas Sontakke,Mr. Pavan Anand Mundada, Mr. Akshay Rajendra Mali Paper Publication IJECS Paper Publication
09 Miss. Dayma Kirti Giridhar Certificate of Excellence Top Ranker 2017 First  
10 Miss. Ankita Varma Fashion Show Vastrotsav17 Second
11 Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale Project Competition
12 Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale Project Competition
13 Miss.Aishwarya Sakhare INNOVATION2K17 Poster Presentation  Second
14 Mr.Anis Mulla, Mr.Sahil Bandar, Mr.Ajinkya Kamble, Mr.Sachin Munde, Mr. Vyakatesh Bhopale BEIT Project Competition First
 15 Mr. Druv Patel  Python, Shell, Docker workshop Quiz in Metamorphosis, 2017 Winner of the Shell-Docker workshop quiz conducted by WLUG

  • e-Yantra 
  • Intel Internet of Things (IoT)
  • GPU Education Center
  • AI and Deep Learning Center
  • Center of Excellence in association with Eduskill Project in
    • AWS Cloud
    • CISCO
    • Redhat
    • PaloAlto
    • Blueprism
    • DevOpp
    • DevNet
  • FOSSEE Lab IIT, Bombay
  • Apple iMac Lab
  • CISCO Network 
  • Business Intelligence Tools from Talent


  • Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus  
First Year Click here
Second Year (Revised as per NEP 2024-25) Click here
Second Year (Revised 2021-22) Click here
Second Year (Pre-revised) Click here 
Third Year (Revised 2022-23) Click here
Third Year (Pre-revised) Click here
Final Year (Revised 2023-24) (Updated on 30/07/2024)  Click here
Final Year (Pre-revised) Click here


  • Applied Data Science (Minor) 
Structure and Syllabus (Revised) Click here
Structure and Syllabus (Prerevised) Click here

  • Data Science (Hons.)
Structure and Syllabus Click here

  • MDMs
Software Engineering  Click here
Degital Design and Manufacturing Click here

Welcome to Computer Science and Engineering Department.

  • The department is established in the year 1999-2000 to cater the growing needs of software industries for Computer & IT professionals.
  • In nearly two decades, the department has grown as one of the major department among top autonomous Engineering Institutions in the state of Maharashtra.
  • The department has high qualified and experienced twenty two faculty members performing excellence in teaching and research in upcoming technologies like Machine Learning, high performance computing, AI, Augmented reality etc.
  • The department has strong collaborations with leading software industries and academic institutions from India and abroad and also recognized as an important national regional resource center for the development in computing and research.
  • The department emphasizes on effective teaching learning process including blended learning, project based learning using modern tools and technologies.
  • Currently the department offers Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) and Master of Technology (M. Tech.) UG and PG programs respectively in Computer Science and Engineering. The department is also recognized as a research center for Computer Sc. & Engineering.