Autonomous Colleges In Maharashtra



To prepare best quality textile graduates to serve the needs of textile industry and the nation. 


  • To educate students with balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • To impart hands-on training to the students with state of the art infrastructure and to provide conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning.
  • To develop students as competent professionals with required skills to serve the needs of industry and society. 


  • Post Graduates of the programme will have successful career in Research, academics and textile industries.
  • Post Graduates of the programme will have the Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and continual learning ability and will be adapting to the constantly changing technology.
  • Graduates of the programme will have skills to undertake Collaborative and Multidisciplinary activities.


  • An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
  • An ability to use textile engineering knowledge and modern tools and techniques to optimize textile processes in order to develop high quality and cost-effective textile products.
  • An ability to develop sustainable textile products with an understanding of societal responsibilities.