PROVISIONAL FEE STRUCTURE (May change) Year : 2023-2024
Course | Open/Institute Level | SC/ST | OBC/EBC/EWS | VJNT-SBC/TFWS |
MBA | 61524 | 11524 | 39687 | 18045 |
M.Tech. | 65524 | 6524 | 58524 | 58524 |
Important Instruction:
All B.C. categories, EBC, EWS candidates should fill scholarship, fresship form after confirmation of Admission. Otherwise these candidates have to pay full fees.
Parent annual income limit- For scholarship, freeship, EBC, EWS below Rs. 8 Lacs.
For admission in TFWS and EWS, parents annual limit below Rs. 8 Lacs.
DKTE has collaborated with NSDL for Vidya Lakshmi Education Loan
Vidya Lakshmi portal for students seeking Education Loan.
This portal has been developed under the guidance of Department of
Financial Services (Ministry of Finance), Department of Higher
Education (Ministry of Education) and Indian Banks Association (IBA).
For Vidya Lakshmi Educational Loan - APPLY NOW
Other Useful Links for Scholarship
E Scholarship (For SC, OBC, SBC, VJNT Students) |
https://mahaeschol.maharashtra.gov.in/MahaEschol/Scholarships/ |
E Tribal Scolarship (only ST Category) | https://etribal.maharashtra.gov.in/evikas/main/common/aboutevikas.aspx |
Minority Scholarship - | |
State Government |
http://www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/scholarships/ |
Central Government |
http://www.momascholarship.gov.in |
Central Sector Scholarship |
http://www.dhepune.info |
Caste Validity Certificate Application |
https://barti.maharashtra.gov.in/ecastevalidation/ccvis/index.html |
List of Required Documents For Admission to First Year M.Tech Course A.Y. 2024-2025
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