Sr. No. | Date | Activities |
1 | 12/03/2022 |
2 | 26/02/2022. | A virtual International Textvision and Fashionova 2022 event was jointly organised by DKTE and Textile Association of India Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit on the topic Paper Presentation competition & Design Collection & Presentation Contest & Startex for textile students |
3 | 26/02/2022 | The student Chapter of Textile Association and Textile Department of DKTE organised a virtual seminar ‘Wool Properties & Innovations, Briefing of Woolmark Performance Challenge’ by Wool Mark Company, Australia. Mr. Jyotiranjan Paroda explained innovations in wool products & Ms. Padmaja Mohanty briefed about the rules & regulations of wool performance challenge. Third Year B.Tech. (Textiles) students attended the meet. |
4 | 17/02/2022 | The Textile Association (I) Ichalkaraniji-Miraj Unit organized a seminar on “Technical Textile and opportunities for Textile Diploma students for higher education” by Prof. (Dr.) S.B. Mhetre & Prof. R.L. Gotipamul for all diploma students of our institute |
5 | 10/02/2022 | A interactive session was organised by Textile Association of India Ichalkaranji Miraj Unit (Students Chapter) on ‘Expressway to Attain Senior Management Position in Industry’ by Mr. C.R. Jamdar, Ex. Head of Arvind Ltd |
6 | 03/02/2022 |
7 | 01/02/2022 | Student Chapter of Textile Association of India, Ichalkaranji-Miraj unit has organized a webinar on “Bemberg Yarn - Features, Sustainability and Applications” by Mr. Saurab Pise Manager- Business Development – Bemberg, Asahi-Kasei, Japan on Tuesday |
8 | 29/01/2022 | Student Chapter of Textile Association of India, Ichalkaranji-Miraj unit has organized a webinar on ‘Textile Engineer’s Journey – Diploma Degree - Tech. Ph.D’ by Shri. Sajeesh Kumar, Subject Matter Expert (SME), Color at Apple, Inc. USA on Saturday |
9 | 22/01/2022 | The Student Chapter of Textile Association of India, Ichalkaranji-Miraj unit has organized a webinar on ‘Colour on Textile Materials- Basics, Evaluation & Prediction’ by Shri. V.C. Gupte, Head Colour Division, Advanced Graphic Systems, Mumbai on Saturday |
10 | 15/01/2022 | Half day conference organized under the theme “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”- Celebration of 75 years of India’s (MHI) (Schemes for the Development of Indian Textile Engineering Industry) with the support of the Textile Association (India) Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit, Indian Textile Accessories Manufactures Association (ITAMAA) & DKTE’S Textile & Engg. Institute, Ichalkaranji to be held on Saturday |
11 | 09/10/2021 | The Student Chapter of Textile Association of India, Ichalkaranji-Miraj unit has organized a webinar on ‘Artifical Intelligence - Past, Present & Future for Manufacturing Industry’ by Mr. Amel Goel, Alumni of Textile & Business Head A.I. Soloution for India & Pacific, Amelia Inc. on Saturday |
12 | 09/10/2021 | TAIMU student chapter organized the final round of an IPL AUCTION event on Saturday |
13 | 05/09/2021 | TAIMU students chapter of our Institute organized a thought sharing session on "Soft skill requirements in today’s changing industrial scenario" for TY B.Tech ( Textiles ) by Mr. Sandeep Agarwal, working as GM Production Planning (Bedding and Fibres) with Himatsingka Linens – Hasan, Karnataka and also alumni of Textile Department on On Sunday |
14 | 30/08/2021 |
15 | 18/09/2021 | TAIMU student chapter of our institute organized a thought sharing session on Busting Facts about Women’s Health by Dr. Bharti Mane on Saturday |
16 | 24/07/2021 |
17 | 20/04/2021 | A virtual International Textvision and Fashionova 2021 event was jointly organised by DKTE and Textile Association of India Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit on the topic Paper Presentation competition & Design Collection & Presentation Contest & Eye on Pick Glass for textile students |
18 | 07/01/2020 to 18/01/2020 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized Passport Camp from for all students & faculties. |
19 | 17/01/2020 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized BeFIT Gym “FITART”. The Body Shop fitness event for all students and faculties on |
20 | 18/09/2019 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized lecture on “Textiles in Medicine” by Dr. Ashutosh Patil on Wednesday |
21 | 09/09/2019 | The students chapter of the Textile Association Ichalkaranji Miraj unit (TAIMU) and the Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji jointly organised a "Fresher's Welcome" The newly admitted students of First year B, Tech (Textile) |
22 | 02/08/2019 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized lecture on “Latest Developments in Winding & Twisting” by Mr. Shrikant Gajabi, Sales Director, Savio India Ltd., |
23 | 01/08/2019 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized a Half Day Seminar on “Advances in Saurer Spinning Technology” by Saurer Textile Solution Pvt. Ltd. |
24 | 24/07/2019 | Inauguration of The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj unit & motivation lecture by Prof. S.D. Mahajan on ‘Joy of Work’ is arranged on Wednesday, |
25 | 22/02/19 | The Student’s Chapter of Textile Association Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit & D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile & Engg. Institute has organized Textvision2k19 & Fashionova2k19 – The National Level Technical Paper Presentation competition & Design Collection & Presentation Contest for textile students |
26 | 13/01/2012 | Open Interview with Mr. Sanjay Quane& Mr. Amrut Chajjed, Alumni Members and Successful entrepreneurs. |
27 | 21/01/2012 | "Textile Business Development Programme" by Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology. |
28 | 3/2/2012 | A Lecture by Mr. Sidharth Alase on the topic "Experiences at Eastern Michigan University, USA and Importance of Higher Education" |
29 | 2/3/2012 | National Level Event "Textvision2012" Technical Paper Presentation competition & Technical Project Contest. |
30 | 3/3/2012 | National Level Event "Fashionova2K12" Design Collection and Presentation and Technical Product Display. |
31 | 16/6/2012 | One day workshop on Human Resource management for labour and welfare officers of Textile Industries |
32 | 15/09/2012 | A Lecture on "Experiences in Textiles" by Shri. ShyamsundarjiMarda and Shri AmbarishjiSarda |
33 | 3/03/2013 | National Level Event "Textvision 2013" Technical Paper Presenation Competition |
34 | 3/03/2013 | National Level Event "Fashionova 2K13" Design Collection and Presentation Contest. |
35 | 24/7/2013 | GET Ready for GATE 2014, "An Interactive Session with GATE Scholars", for final Year Students. |
36 | 12/8/2013 | A Lecture by Prof.S.D. Mahajan on the topic, "Zero to Hero", for Third year B.Text Students |
37 | 20/8/2013 | A Lecture by Prof. S. D. Mahajan on the topic, "Superb Supervisiors", for final year B.Text students. |
38 | 2/10/2013 | One day Picnic to Thoseghar&KasPathar for Student Chapter Members. |
39 | 15/01/2014 | A Lecture by Mr. S. Chaitanya D.S.P of police, Ichalkaranji on, "Experiences in Police Services". |
40 | 22/02/2014 | National Level Event "Textvision 2014" Technical Paper Presenation Competition |
41 | 22/02/2014 | National Level Event "Fashionova 2K14" Design Collection and Presentation Contest. |
42 | 24/02/2015 | National Level Event "Textvision 2015" Technical Paper Presenation Competition |
43 | 24/02/2015 | National Level Event "Fashionova 2K15" Design Collection and Presentation Contest. |
44 | 28/02/2016 | National Level Event "Textvision 2016" Technical Paper Presenation Competition |
45 | 28/02/2016 | National Level Event "Fashionova 2K16" Design Collection and Presentation Contest. |
46 | 10/08/2016 | A Lecture by Prof.S.D. Mahajan on the topic, "Zero to Hero", for B.Text Students |
47 | 26/08/2016 | Freshers Welcome 2K16 for Newly Admitted First Year Student |
48 | 25/09/2016 | Intera Collage Event Organised "TALENTIME 2K16" |
49 | 11/02/2017 | National Level Event "Textvision 2017" Technical Paper Presenation Competition |
50 | 11/02/2017 | National Level Event "Fashionova 2K17" Design Collection and Presentation Contest. |
51 | 22/02/2017 | An Interactive lecture by Mr. Pushpak Parikh and Mr. Gourav Dandge, well-established entrepreneurs and alumni members |
52 | 31/07/2017 | A Lecture by Prof. S.D. Mahajan on the topic, "Joy of Work ", for Third Year B.Text Students |
53 | 09/09/2017 | A Lecture by Shri. N.B. Shenolikar, Ahmedabad on the topic,"Experiences in Industry", for Third Year B.Text. (TPE) students. |
54 | 26/09/2017 | An Interactive lecture by Mr. R. Rajendran and Mr. K. Avinash (Technical Executives) from GrozBeckert & alumni members of Textile Department, was organized for Final Year B.Text. students on the topic “Developments in Knitting Needles”. |
55 | 26/12/2017 | An Interactive lecture by Mr. MichealRodrigus, M/s. Shakhti Knitting, Bangalore alumni members of Textile Department, was organized for Third & Final Year B.Text. students on the topic “Medical Textiles”. |
56 | 04/01/2018 | Open Interview with Mr. Sandeep Sagavkar& Mr. Satyajeet Pangu, Alumni Members and successful entrepreneurs was organized for Third Year B.Text. (All) students. |
57 | 11/01/2018 to 14/01/2018 | Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji Central and DKTE Ichalkaranji have jointly organized “TEXPOSURE 2018” - Textile machinery and Utilities exhibition like 'Mini ITEMA' from 11th January to 14th January 2018. The responsibility of organizing and making this event successful shouldered by Textile Association (India) Ichalkaranji Miraj Unit. |
58 | 25/01/2018 | A Lecture by Ms. Pallavi Desai, on the topic, “Opportunities of Higher Studies in Abroad”, for Third Year B.Text. students arranged on 25/01/2018. |
59 | 05/02/2018 | Passport Camp arranged by Students Chapter of Textile Association for our Degree students was organized on 05/02/2018. |
60 | 03/03/2018 | Textvision2k18 & Fashionova2k18 – The National Level Technical Paper Presentation competition & Design Collection & Presentation Contest for textile students on 03rd March, 2018. |
61 | 10/8/2018 | A lecture by Prof. S.D. Mahajan organized by TAIMU students chapter on 10th August, 2018 |
61 | 27/08/2018 | To create the awareness about adverse effects of air pollution and to educate about how to reduce air pollution, a “No Vehicle Day” was organized by TAIMU Student's Chapter on 27/08/2018. |
62 | 01/09/2018 | Textile Association (I) Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit, Student Chapter had organized Industry visit cum interaction session to Anna BhauAjara Co-op. Sahakari Soot Girani, Ajara on Saturday, 01/09/2018. |
63 | 04/09/2018 | A freshers welcome was arranged by the Students Chapter of Textile Association (India) Ichalkaranji Miraj Unit and Textile Department of Textile & Engg. Institute to first year Textile degree students at Fortune Plaza Hall, Ichalkaranji on 04/09/18. |
64 | 12/09/2018 | The Students Chapter of Textile Association (India) Ichalkaranji Miraj Unit organized the event to create awareness about harmful effects of over use of mobile phones. 'Keep away from mobile' concept was brought into practice on 12/09/18. |
65 | 06/09/2018 | An Interactive session by Mr. AjitJamkhandikar, Consultant, Mumbai was organized on 06/09/2018 for Third Year B.Tech.(All) textiles students on the topic “Success through Failure”. |
12/09/2018 | An Interactive lecture by Mr. Johannes Schug, Hof University, Germany organized by TAIMU students chapter on 12th September, 2018 | |
66 | 11/01/2019 to 13/01/2019 | The student chapter of The Textile Association (India), Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit has organised the Fitnewss Workshop ‘BEneFIT’ for all degree students and faculties in collaboration with IMFIT expert Mr. Mahesh Shelke. The program was conducted form 11th January, 2019 to 13th January, 2019 |
67 | 19/01/2019 | The Textile Association (India) Ichalkaranji-Miraj Unit in association with DKTE’S Textile& Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji and ArvindCotspin Ltd. organized half day programme on PPF of Spinning Industry & FMECA on 19/01/19 at ArvindCotspin Ltd., GokulShirgaon, Dist. Kolhapur. |
68 | 22/02/2019 | Textvision2k19 & Fashionova2k19 – The National Level Technical Paper Presentation competition & Design Collection & Presentation Contest for textile students on 22nd February, 2019. |
2022-2023 | 100 |
2021-2022 | 89.74 |
2020-2021 | 100 |
2019-2020 | 92.60 |
2018-2019 | 93.33 |
Ranker | Name of Student | CGPA/Percentage |
Sr. | Name | Links |
1 | TEXTIMES JAN. 2022 | Click here |
2 | TEXTIMES APR 2021 | Click here |
3 | TEXTIMES DEC. 2019 | Click Here |
5 | TEXTIMES 2017-18 | Click Here |
4 | TEXTIMES 2018-19 | Click Here |
First Year | Click Here |
Second Year (Revised-as per NEP) | Click Here |
Second Year (Pre-revised) | Click Here |
Third Year | Click Here |
Final Year | Click Here |
Technical Textiles | Click here to Download |
Apparel Tech and Management | Click here to Download |
Textile Engineering Research | Click here to Download |
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